Until I Met You- Chapter Nine

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Mike threw a few punches, but it was nothing compared to what Chris was doing.

Blood was everywhere. All over Chris's fist and Mike's face. But he couldn't stop. He was so mad.

The thoughts flowed through Chris's head. Of when Eddie first told him. How much Eddie was crying, how hurt he was. And then another though flowed through his head of Mike having his way with Eddie. Of Mike raping Eddie.

And it fucking killed Chris.

"Stop it!" Chris' mother screamed. And then his step father pulled him off.

Chris spit in Mike's face before he grabbed Eddie's hand and yanked him upstairs. He slammed the bedroom door, locked it, and paced back and forth across the room.

Chris let out a scream. He was so angry. He punched the wall and pulled at his hair.

"I can't fucking believe this!" Chris screamed. "Out of all people, he's my fucking step-brother!"

"Please, baby, calm down." Eddie whispered. His breathing was fast. He still felt like he was going to faint.

"I can't fucking calm down, Eddie! I can't!"

"Chris, you're scaring me! Stop yelling and just fucking hold me!" Eddie screamed. Chris softened up a little. He knew Eddie needed him right now.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." Chris whispered. He sat on the bed and pulled Eddie into his lap.

Eddie hid his face in Chris' chest and cried. Chris strokes the ends of his hair, trying to comfort him.

"Shhhhh, baby. It's okay. I'm not gonna let him hurt you. You're safe. I'll never let him touch you again, baby." Chris whispered.

"Please, Chris, let's go. I need to go! I can't be here!"

Chris held him tighter. "Okay, Eddie. Just calm down a little, baby, and we'll go. But I need you to calm down. You're having an anxiety attack. Just breathe. In and out. You're safe. I'm here, and I'll always be here, keeping you safe, okay?"

Eddie took in a deep breath. "Okay, Chris. Ju-just hold me."

"I got you, baby. I'll never let go. Just breathe."

Eddie stopped crying, but his breathing was still unsteady. Chris held him tighter and tried his best to comfort him.

"You ready to go, baby?" Chris asked.

"Pl-please. I don't want to be here anymore."

"Okay, baby."

"But y-you need to clean the blood off your fist."

Chris looked down at his bloody knuckles. "They're fine."

Eddie got off his lap. "No, it's not. Come on wash the blood off and I'll clean your lip."

Chris washed off his hands in the bathroom sink that was connected to the guest bedroom. Eddie grabbed a washcloth and held it under the sink, soaking it with warm water.

Chris sat on the sink as Eddie stood between his legs. Gently, he wiped the blood of Chris' lip. He winced in pain and flinched a little.

"Sorry." Eddie said softly. He finished cleaning up the blood and sighed.

"You didn't have to do that." Eddie said quietly. Chris took both of Eddie's hand and locked their fingers together.

"When you told me it was him, I just... I lost control. The way he stood there grinning... Fucking sick bastard. But, I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry you had to see him."

"It's okay, Chris, it is. It just, you know, scared me a little."

"I know, baby. But don't worry. I promise I'm not going to let him hurt you."

Eddie smiled. "I know."

Chris soft kissed Eddie's lips, but winced in pain and pulled away. Eddie kissed Chris on the cheek.

"Thank you."

"How many times have I heard you say that?" Chris asked, laughing a little. "You don't need to thank me for anything, baby."

Eddie ran his finger's through Chris' long hair. Chris was so amazing. Eddie was so thankful for him. He was perfect in every little way. Eddie loved everything about him. His smile, his laugh, everything.

"Ready to go?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, let's get the fuck out of here."

Eddie laughed a little and they left, getting on their plane and heading back to home. 

Until I Met YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon