Chapter 17

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After she picked out a puppy we paid the lady and started to head home. I look over in the back seat to see Jess and Kye (That's what she named him) laying down in the back seat sleeping.

Then a phone call.

"Hello? Yes it's me James Berling...... What?.....Court?......"

A frustrated grunt came from my mouth when the person said, 'Court'

"Yes...yes, me and her will be there this Saturday after noon..... Alright...good-bye."

My mind went crazy after that call. Court?! Will she be taken away from me? can't be....

I was thinking the worse and worse as we drove home. I couldn't stand the thought of this little angel going back to a abusive family that doesn't even want her.

I griped my hands tighter on the stirring wheel at the thought of the man who ditched her.

I quietly whispered to myself, "Jessica?....I know this is weird but I....I need you to help me out here....or God...if your there..." I sigh cam from me after I finished that so-called 'prayer'.


"Jess, wake up were home." I lightly shook her awake and she refused to get up. Then I leashed the dog and picked up Jess.


"He's fine. Don't you see him? He's on the leash."

She rubbed her eyes and squinted.

"Oh, now I do!"

Then a thought came to mind, can she not see that well? Will she need glasses now? I shook the thought away because I need to stop worrying. Everything just gets to you more when you've been through...things.

"Okay lemme set you down on the ground." I gently settle her feet into the ground and give her the dogs leash. I fiddle with the keys to the house, (Yeah sorry I bought a house. Me and her couldn't live in the hotel anymore) And I finally found the key. Jess giggles at me and I chuckle.

"In we go!" I open the door and Jess runs in with Kye.


After we sat down on the floor and played with Kye time over took us. I look over at the clock and it was now 11:30.

"Woah, Jess."


"It's late. We gotta go to bed. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

She cocked her head to the side, wondering what the day had planned for tomorrow but I didn't want to bother her with the details.

"Do you know where to put Kye?" I asked her to see if she would remember

She grins big and says, "in the cage!"

We bought him a luxurious cage for him to stay at when we go to bed. I didn't want to take the risk of him sleeping with her and jumping off the bed chewing things at night.

I motion for her to put him in the cage and she does so.

"There you go Kye! I love you!" She then settles the blanket over his cage.

"Alright little lady, make your way to bed."

She has a look on her face that I can't quite figure out yet...almost like a pout.



"Can you tell me a story?"

"Alright, I'll tell you a story. Then you have to go to bed okay?"

She smiles big and nods her head yes, and races to her bedroom.

I tuck her in and get ready to tell a story.

"So what kind of story would the princess like to hear tonight?"


Ugh. That's what I said in my mind. Unicorns? Can't it be a like...Robot princesses? That would've been awesome...

"Okay... So once upon a time there was this unicorn, her name was....Jessie. She was a very beautiful unicorn. The unicorns lived on the planet... Libertalia!" I was thinking in my head That was a awesome name, plus one for me! "So many unicorns lived on that planet and Jessie was one of them. And the stars around the planet danced around in the night sky. One day the little unicorn decided she wanted to go up there and dance with one. It was kind of a longing to dance with a star. She tried to fly up there with her wings but they were way to weak. So! She practiced for years and years until one silent night. She was now twenty years of age and determined to fly up to the dancing stars. She went in a empty field and stretched out her wings..." I opened up my arms as big as I could get them. "And flew up to the stars! But! That's not all." Now I knew I was getting into this story.

"When she flew up to the stars she was surrounded by the stars, it was beautiful!" I was now was now using motions with my hands to give the story more...details? I don't know but I'm really getting into this story. Don't judge a 21 year old man.

"And then, she picked out a star to dance with. It felt like to her they danced for hours. So she said to the star, "I need to go home now, I need to eat and see my family." She seen that the star was very sad that she had to leave...but he was also concerned about one thing, how would she find the same star she danced with? So the star had an idea! "Let's tie a string around me and I'll tie a string around you!" Jessie agreed and the string was wrapped around them. "I'll see you later!" She waved to the star goodbye and she went back down to Libertalia."

"But when she went back everything was she asked a fellow unicorn what happened. The unicorn gasped and said, "a-are you the unicorn that danced with the star?!" She nodded her head into a slow yes. The unicorn then said, "We've been watching you for billions of years!" She was shocked about what the unicorn had said. Then she trotted home. Her home was untouched which she was glad about."

"She then ate and went to bed. The next night she went out into that empty field and began to fly up. But in the middle of flying her wing broke! She screamed out in pain and cried. The star seen this and also cried. He thought he lost...her.....f-forever...." I shook my head out of it and continued telling the story. " then all of a sudden the moon reaches out her hand and tapped on the star and said, "You love her don't you?" The star sadly nodded yes. So the Moon blessed the star to be a unicorn and go live with Jessie in Libertalia. Then they lived happily ever, after."


Hey guys! I'm back!! Sorry though for the long period that I was out :(. But I hope you forgave me and ready to get this story to a halt. I know I know your probably all like, "whhhhyyyy" or "This story can't eeeeend" hahah JUST KIDDING your probably like, "FINALLY END THIS STORY." Haha I don't care. Because I'm going to be writing another.

Will it be related to this story?

Will James be in it?

Will ANY of the characters be in it?

We will see!!

Hugs and kisses from your girl!!

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