Chapter 2

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James P.O.V

I'm walking down the street in Jamesburg and I see family's in the park. I have to hurry, they won't wait for me. I'm on my way to a meeting, well it's not my meeting its my fathers. My name is James Berling and I was born in England. The reason why I'm going to a meeting is because my father has company's all over the world and its called 'Berling Inc.' (I know awesome name.) What we do is we bankrupt people for LOTS of money.

As I'm walking I see a girl, wow she's beautiful. She's homeless I can tell but why? I girl like her shouldn't be, she's too pretty. After rounding the corner I find the building. "Well, here we go... Another boring meeting." You see my Dad wants me to take over the family business when I'm a bit older, I don't want to but you have to make money some how and this job is practically given to me. "Hello James, your father is waiting for you on the 3rd floor." Says the front desk lady. Oh jeez she's giving me her flirty look.

"Hello son." "Hello father, what are we discussing today?" I sit and listen closely to what he is saying about boring stuff. I'm 17 and my birthday is coming up in April and my dad says he's going to give me something very special... It's probably something boring. After a while me and him are done we get a limo and he takes us to our mansion.



"Have you found a lady you would like to get married to yet?"

"No I haven't."


Why would he ask that? We pull into our drive way and get out of the limo. "James! Victor!" Lillian yells while running towards us, "Hello sweetheart!" My dad says and I just keep walking. You see my mom died 1 year ago and my Dad just got remarried and of coarse, I don't like her. She acts nice around my Dad but when we're alone she's a total new person. I walk to the kitchen fix me some popcorn and head up to my room.

While I'm in my room my crew comes barging in, "Hey!" They say in unison. My two friends Kyle and Gavin are from America, but we meet 3 years ago when my Dad decided to move here, I met these to nuts in school. "Hey guys." They crash on my bed and eat some popcorn and Gavin says, "What's up with you?" He says with a mouth full of popcorn. "Well my Dad asked me a question today about finding a lady, but I know he's going to set me up with that one self-centered brat Tiffany." You see Tiffany is the daughter of another man of another company but she's intolerable.

"Yo, I got like three on my phone you want their numbers?" Kyle says, "No, I'm not wasting my time on dirty women who have sexual inter-coarse with anything that has a male part." I say, "Dude, you have got to stop being a walking Dictionary, and you have to give up the V card sometime." I cringe, "I'm going to wait until my wife, there isn't nothing wrong with that." I say. "Well I have to go my mom is making me clean house with her, because she says, 'I don't help out that much.'" He says that last part in a high pitched girly way. "Yeah I have to go too, see ya later James." They both walk out and shut the door.


Hey! I know short chapter but I REALLY wanted you to get to know James!

Bye love you!!!

And if you have any suggestions please message me!!

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