-Chapter 6-

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"Victoria Secret,how can I help you?"

"Did you have to put me through this torture?"

"Hi Connor,and trust me if I could put you through torture I would"

"So mean!.......Did you just call me Conner?"


"I like it!"


"Oh,I meant the torture of having me figure out what the heck is Fae"

"Did you figure it out?"

"Uh....actually nope"

"Do you want a hint?"



"Cruel,so,so cruel"

"Is that the way you treat the person who know's what Fae means?"

"Just tell me god-damit!"

"Okay..don't get your panties in a bunch"

"I'm waiting"

"It means"



"Ooooooh come on,just tell me!"

"My name"

"Wait........Fae is your,name?


"So what you're telling me is that your 'name' kept me up all night?"

"Awwe I feel honored"

"I hate you so much now"

"No you don't"

"Oh yes I do!"

"Don't lie you wove me!"


"You did not just hang up on me!"

"He actually did!"


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