-Chapter 3-

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"Victoria Secret,how can i help yo-"

"Bra size?"

"Fucking hell,hi bra boy"

"Oh,I'm doing goo-wait,bra boy?!"

"Yep,you constantly ask for my bra size and you have male tiny parts..I'm I not right?"

"Well yeah,but there isnt anything tiny about my male parts"

"Oh,go step on a lego"

"Do you believe of love at first sight?"


"Or should I walk by again"

"We cant even see each other dipward!"

"Sooooo........ohhh cut me some slack I just learned that pickup line'"

"Wow your weird"

"But yet you haven't hung up the phone"

"...........Don't tempt me"

"Don't worry-wait you actually want to talk to me........wow that's a first"

"Ohhhh you poor lonely boy"

"Oh fuck you!"

"You no what I cant continue this conversation"

"And why is that?"

"Because if you somehow ended up getting to no where i live with your crazy ways you might kill me and I never even got to know your name"

"Lil ole me.......nahh I i'll probably lock you up in my basement and kill you with my pickup lines"

"So you do know that your pickup lines are terrible?"

"Yup!.....I just like to annoy you"

"Theres a special place in hell for people like you"

"Yeah and its called the throne!!"




"When I murder you,you shall remember me as Conner"


"He actually hung up on me..ugh...that's my game"

Bra BoyWhere stories live. Discover now