Chapter 16 - Faith-ful

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"You're right baby."

He dumps the ashes from the blunt in the trash and sat it down on my cabinet; as he stood and walked over to me. He rubbed my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips, then he picked me up and placed me on the desk, and begin planting kisses on my neck.

"Not here Jamal. Please let's not do this here." I said softly as I closed my eyes . His hands roamed under my shirt and bra as he rubbed my breast. I wrapped my legs around his waist and started to enjoy the foreplay; but out of nowhere he bit my neck and I screamed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I pushed him off me, and instantly touched the bitten spot . It hurt to the touch .

"My bad that was an accident baby." He saids .

"No! You just bit me like you were Mufasa or something! Why would you do that." I hopped off of the desk and moved away from him .

"I bit you plenty times before . That's what we do when we fuck." He shrugs .

I held on to my neck as I walked into a circle, trying to disbelieve what just occurred. "I think I'm bleeding Jamal."

He eased his way over to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me into a hug, burying my head in his chest. "I got to intimate baby. I swear that was an accident and you're not bleeding. I'm not that crazy to do something like that." He furrows his eyebrows .

He let me go and sat down in my chair. "I've been stressing, so I guess that's where it came from."

"Stressed how baby?"

He sat me on his lap . "Some shit that's been heavy against my mind. Like Cameron."

"You know I hate talking about him baby." I told him.

He moves my hair to the other side of my neck and kisses the bite mark . "I know. But you know how I feel about him baby. I never trusted him . I think he knows something about my brother's death . He stole from us and he's a conniving . He was even wrapped up about Liberty . I wouldn't allow him to be with her . Plus he's fucking sick in the head."

"I wish you are there to keep me away from him. I still have bruises from him that never faded away." I said in a dejecting tone.

He lifted up my chin as he softly bites on his lip and looks into my eyes. "I can't cure the bruises he put on your body, but I can heal the ones that's on your heart."

I chuckled. "Okay moses." I said before I leaned in to kiss his full brown tone lips.


"I should be back by tomorrow afternoon . I'm just going to pick Aj up from the hospital and go to her mama's." Liberty said as she filled up a small bag with her clothes and the rest of her belongings.

"Okay I got you." I flopped on the couch, and turned the television on, skipping through all of channels.

She turned to me and stood up straight. "These are the rules while house sitting my place. Don't order extra shows . don't eat any of my shit . don't let nobody in. If you happen to break these rules I will beat your ass, understood?"

I shrugged and settled to VH1 as my entertainment and laid back on the couch waiting for Love & Hip Hop to return from the commercial .

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