pop tart cats and usernames

Start from the beginning

beauty_in_person: No.

beauty_in_person: yes.

beauty_in_person: NO.

beauty_in_person: YES.

Ichigo_Guardian: (-。-;)...?

SaveTheStrawberries: This can be explained.

*le ten minutes later*

windscythe_shinigami69 has joined the chatroom

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper has joined the chatroom

sexy_in_person: fine, but he totally deserved it.

sexy_in_person: and i had my reasons.

cueball99: DID NOT.

sexy_in_person: did too.

cueball99: imma kill you.

Mizuho_Asano has joined the chatroom

cueball99: oh no its her

Mizuho_Asano: IKKAKU~

cueball99 has changed his name to shinigamiwarrior99

shinigamiwarrior99 has left the chatroom

SaveTheStrawberries: ?

beauty_in_person: Ikkaku is terrified to death of her.

Mizuho_Asano: oh, Ikkaku isn't here :(

sexy_in_person: actually...

Mizuho_Asano: Oh, is that you Ikkaku? Such a befitting name!

sexy_in_person: no it isnt ikkaku but yes my name befits me.

Mizuho_Asano: oh :( where is he?

sexy_in_person: cueball? hes at...

beauty_in_person: NOPE.

Mizuho_Asano: is that you?

beauty_in_person: NOOOOOPE.

Mizuho_Asano has left the chatroom

chocolateshooter: look what i made!

~~~ ╔͎═͓═͙╗
~~~ ╚̨̈́═̈́﴾ ̂°˖̫° ̂)

windscythe_shinigami69: what is that?

Ichigo_Guardian: that's nyan cat.

chocolateshooter: who are you?

Ichigo_Guardian: he's Hisagi. Shoe Hisagi, right?

windscythe_shinigami69: ... shuhei hisagi. 

sexy_in_person: SaveTheStrawberriesMAO.

chocolateshooter: WAY TO GO MATTIE.

Ichigo_Guardian: right-o.

windscythe_shinigami: nyan cat... hmmm... oh, here's a moving picture with volume.

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper: I found a moving picture with volume too!

Ichigo_Guardian: (it's a video.)

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper: IT'S ADORABLE.

windscythe_shinigami69: it's... cute?

windscythe_shinigami69: i guess.

sexy_in_person: dat cool bro! i love poptarts.

chocolateshooter: what a sincere compliment. Thanku mattie. (ಥ_ಥ)

sexy_in_person: (ಥ﹏ಥ) bro ure too nice ure welcome

chocolateshooter: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

sexy_in_person: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

chocolateshooter: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

sexy_in_person: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper: what is that '(ಥ﹏ಥ)'

chocolateshooter: way to ruin the moment.

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper: oh no was it my fault

beauty_in_person has left the chatroom

windscythe_shinigami69: WOW, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT THIS NYAN CAT REMIX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=502xxCTRfxo

Ichigo_Guardian: ...

windscythe_shinigami69: I can explain.

Ichigo_Guardian has left the chatroom

SaveTheStrawberries has left the chatroom

sexy_in_person has left the chatroom

windscythe_shinigami69 has left the chatroom

chocolateshooter has left the chatroom

bunny_shinigami_soulreaper: thIS IS ALL MY FAULT ISN'T IT.


(A/N): Hehe, I basically made up everything as going along. This was fun.
~Pure Onyx

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