3. The girl

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Taylor wakes up early the next morning, she is happy to have her daily routine back again. The house is quiet, she knows without leaving her room that everybody is still sleeping. It is normal given the fact that during the rest of the year her parents gets up really early on the morning and Austin... he is Austin, he doesn't need a reason to wake up late. The moment that she moves a little on the bed Pongo is standing to look at her. 

-Don't even think about it- Taylor warns him.

But before she can even protests again the dog jumps and lays by her side. She sighs, she doesn't have the heart to kick him out of the bed. She knows that she spoils him too much and that is probably why Pongo adores Taylor. 

-Come on boy, let's enjoy the pool now that we have time for ourselves- Taylor says leaving the bed.

She knows that Pongo can't talk but she always talks with him like he can understand everything she says, in some way it makes her feel less alone when he is around her. She grabs a bikini from her closet and get changed before going downstairs. Everything is really silent, the only thing she can hear is the birds chirping in the nearest trees. She stays there for awhile, enjoying the silence and the peace around her and of course the sun but that is not going to last when she hears a door opening inside the house and guess that someone is awake. 

-I love these birds singing their cute songs- Austin says breaking her peaceful moment. 

-They are Mockingbirds- Taylor says without bothering to look at him. 

-Hey! Like the movie Mockingjay! like one of the Hunger Games- Austin jokes sitting on the hammock by her side. 

-Actually the Mockingbirds are a group of New World passerine birds and they are real, the Mockingjay is fictional, created by Suzanne Collins for The Hunger Games and she writes that they can repeat human melodies and birdsong and...

-I get it Taylor- Austin interrupts her.

-No you don't, you weren't even paying attention and you will make a mistake again when you talk about this- Taylor insists. 

-Oh my god you can be so pedantic sometimes- Austin sighs. 

-And you can be a jerk- Taylor says before she gets up and leaves him alone. 

She walks back inside the house, she's angry because she hates when her brother is such a jerk about her personality. She recognizes that sometimes it's difficult for her to stop all those comments and information about some topic when someone talk about something that she knows really well but it's not necessary to be so mean. 

-Good morning sweetie- Scott says walking by her side on the living room.

-Yeah sure, great morning- Taylor says dryly walking back to her room. 

Pongo has followed Taylor around and he sneaks inside the room before she slams the door still feeling angry. Right now she can kill her brother even if two days before she adored him. It is one of her flaws, she has a changing mood, she can be really happy one minute and completely sad the next one if someone says a hurtful comment. It is probably because all the comments she heard back in high school when she was happy to get a good grade and soon enough someone was messing with her. She lays on the bed and grabs her notebook to write down some notes while she tries to calm herself a little bit but in just a couple of minutes she hear a knock on the door. 

-Can I come in?- Scott asks from the other side of the door.

-Sure- Taylor accepts, her father is the only person who can handle her when she is at her worst so she doesn't mind if he sees her angry or sad. 

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