Chapter 1: Memories

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Chapter 1 - Memories

I looked at the house before me. After the thirty-minute drive from the airport, Ryan had finally pulled the car outside my parents’ house. My home. I'm not going to lie; I really missed my parents after those five years not seeing them in person. Their bugging about me going back home so that they could meet their first and only granddaughter didn't help either.

            I turned to look at the backseat, where my daughter slept. A smile played on my lips. We’re finally home, princess.

            Ryan jumped out of the car and carefully carried Abby from the backseat into his arms so she wouldn’t wake up. I opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car. The feeling of being back here in my home overwhelmed me, and a smile slowly crept into my face. I released a sigh and followed Ryan to the front door of the cream-colored two storey house before me. The house was simple yet elegant as it had been a long time ago. The garden in the front was full of beautiful flowers, all blooming and well taken care of. My mom would give up her life for her garden. Alright, probably not, but if you pick at any of her flowers, you'd be dead.

I knocked on the front door. After a few minutes, the door opened revealing a forty-year-old woman. My gorgeous mom, Cassandra Forbes or “Sandra”, as most people call her, stood before me. She gasped. “Kris!” She threw her arms around me. Her hug almost choked me. I embraced her petite figure and inhaled her floral scent.

            “Hey, Mom! I missed you so much,” I mumbled, and then I broke the hug.

            “I missed you too, Kris,” She beamed at me.

            “Where's dad?”

            “Oh, your dad's in the park. Walking around with Matt,” she answered stepping aside. “Come on in.”

            She ushered me inside the house. “Ryan, honey, thank you for bringing Kris here,” she told Ryan who entered the house carrying my daughter in his arms. Her smile grew bigger as her gaze drifted down to Ryan's arms. She clasped her hands and said, “You brought Abby! Ryan, you can lay Abby on the couch.” The excitement in her voice was evident as she ordered Ryan.

'           Ryan, being the good nephew he is, did as he was told.

            “Do you want anything to drink?” asked my mom.

            I shook my head.

            Ryan smiled. “Nah. I’m good, Aunt Sandra,”

            “Okay then. Kris, I bet you’re tired. I’m just going to fix your bed so you can rest,” Mom said and started to go upstairs.

            “Uh… No thanks. It's alright, mom. I can do it myself,” I told her.

            “Are you sure?”

            I nodded my head in response and made my way upstairs.

            I stood in front of the door to my room, hesitating for a moment before clasping the door knob and pushing the door open.

            Seeing my room again, a couple of memories flashed by in my head. All memories were associated with the last guy I said, “I love you,” to. And that guy happened to be the father of the beautiful baby sleeping on the couch in the living room downstairs.

            I remembered the time when we were lying on my bed, him caressing my hair telling me that he loved me and the plans he had for us in the future. The plans that said in more or less than ten years, we will be living in our own house and having a happy family; the memories of him and I spending time doing our homework together on the floor; and the memory of us sharing our first kiss as couple in this room.

            Suddenly, I realized that I was crying.

            I wiped the tears away and took a deep breath. You are better than this. He's gone now. Don’t think about him.

            I went out of the room, a bit hastily, and walked to the laundry room a few doors away from mine, leaving my door wide open. I grabbed a clean set of bed sheets and went back. I fixed up my bed and after, I cleaned the entire room.

            While tidying the room, I looked at the bedside table and opened the drawer. A box covered with designs and glitters greeted me. It was the box that I made on our first month of being together, thinking that we would fill the box with our memories together. My hand had its own accord, and opened the box. I looked at some of the letters, pictures, and even gifts he gave me when we were still together. I picked up the first picture I recognized. It was me and Justin. I was giving him a kiss on the cheek as he grinned at the camera like an idiotic guy. The picture had me teary-eyed again. A tear rolled down my cheek involuntarily.

            Sh*t! I cursed to myself mentally as I wiped the tears that escaped.

            I’ve been trying to lock Justin, the guy who I once and still love, out of my life. Not only mine but also my daughter’s. Justin. Justin. Justin. His name ran over my head again and again. His voice whenever he mentions my name rung inside my head.

            “I don’t want to remember you again,” I told the picture and placed it back in the box. I decided that it would be better if I burnt them later. I sat on the edge of my bed and decided to wash my face.

            I stood and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.  I stared at myself in the mirror and told myself, “You’ll be okay without him.” I twisted the faucet and splashed water onto my face, willing to wake myself up from the memories I had recalled. Once I was done, I picked up the hand towel available in the bathroom and dried my wet face.

            I went down the stairs and found Ryan almost immediately. “Hey,” I greeted him. His gaze drifted to me.

            “'Aye, couz,” He smiled at me.

            “You can go home now. Thanks for everything.” I gave him a big bear hug.

            “I appreciate your thank-you, but you don’t really need to choke me,” he said, chuckling.

            I laughed and pulled away.

            “It was no problem couz. Anything for you,” He said and gave me a side hug.

            “Okay, I’ll see you soon,” I told him, following him to the front door.

            “Yeah. Bye.” He made his way towards his car. Before pulling out of the driveway, he waved and yelled something I didn't catch.

            I went back inside, closing the door behind me. I carried Abby in my arms and brought her up to my room where I laid her on my bed. I stared at her and realized something.

            “You look just like your dad,” I murmured and kissed her on the forehead. I lay down beside her and in a matter of minutes dreamland took over my mind.

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