meeting the guys

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a few hours had passed and i was just sitting on the settee with the twins as they curled up beside me and went to sleep it had been a busy day for us all before i knew it 5'oclock had rolled around and the concert was in a hour i wasn’t even ready yet or anything so i ran upstairs and got changed applied a thick layer of eye liner put on my black veil brides top with my black jeans i just kept them on from earlier and then i was ready but one thing felt like it was missing oh yeah my hat i grabbed it of my bedside table and ran downstairs shouted bye to my mom and i was gone scene as Hayley couldn’t go i has to catch the bus and it was half five already was i going to make it or was i going to be listening from outside the door 


the concert was starting in 15 minutes and all i could think about was how much i feel like im going to throw up the guys were applying the finishing touches to themselves i was already done it takes me 1 hour for my make up and half a hour for my body paint but during the course of this i have to go outside and smoke like nine cigarettes so overall it takes me 1 hour and 30 minuets due to ADD all i could smell in the back of my thought was hairspray and ash was sitting there tuning his guitar and going over his part with Jake as jinx was just being jinxx by sitting on the side and just drinking coffee where as C.C. was just drumming a beat on the leather part of the sofa the last few minuets before a concert are always the best a few minutes before i made a cup of coffee for myself Jonathan our tour manager came in and said

"5 minutes guys"

we all began to panic but at the same time we were buzzing about with excitement it its always the same before we go out on stage the crowds went crazy as we were announced we walked on first jinx appeared in a puff of smoke then the same for ash and Jake C.C. just got levitated in front of the drum kit and me it was smoke and fire as i papered the crowds went crazy for me like they did for the rest of the guys i began to say "we are the black veil brides and were gonna kick of this party with perfect weapon" the intro began and the crowds roared as they sang along it was amazing 


"oh my god im late!" i felt so disappointed id saved all my money to buy these tickets now look i cant even watch them i heard every word Andy said it was heartbreaking not seeing them so i sat on the kerb and waited for it to end "hey EMO where’s Hayley i was hoping to get another shot at her" i knew the voice straight away Amy "what do you want if your looking for Hayley she’s not here scene as you nearly killed her anyway get lost im not in the mood for you and your stupid games" i replied sarcastically all of a sudden i was surrounded by almost all the football team and all the cheerleaders and they all were holding something behind their backs im pretty sure Brooke Amy’s best friend was holding a frying pan i had no idea what was going to happen to me but i knew for a fact it wasn’t going to be good not good at all, then before i knew what had happened Amy’s well manicured fist was flying  towards me and hit me in the side of my head and i had fell to the floor in a heap then everyone else started to hit me with the things they had bought along i got kicked in the ribs the stomach and the head but i had no energy to fight back a few hours passed and they had gone i couldn’t walk i was in so much pain it was so agonising i couldn’t bare it then all the fans got out of the stadium and just walked around me as if i wasn’t there i must have blacked out because i was on the ground at one point then on a bus i woke up and i was alone in a room and had no idea where i was or who i was with i looked down at my arm and saw a piece of ripped material like the kind you get on t-shirts i lay thinking about what went on earlier or yesterday im not quite sure how long i was out for and i began to worry about how my mom didn’t know where i was she would be freaking out right now but at the minute i didn’t even know where i was or who i was with i could be in the back of a kidnappers van for all i know after about five minutes of wondering where i was a knocking came from the other side of the door timidly i shouted "its open" then a tall thin dark figure appeared in the doorway with crystal blue eyes and black hair i knew who's eyes they were straight away Andrew Dennis Biersack "i see your awake and alive by the way can i have my shirt back soon" he chuckled as he pointed to my arm i giggled as he sat on my bed "so your the one who found me i replied in a shocked  kind of manor "yupp that was m-" before he had chance to finish his sentence i had gathered up the strength and hugged him honestly i don’t know why maybe because he saved my life or possibly because it was Andy biersack i don’t know all i know is that he saved me and i would owe him my life 


i was walking to the signings then the meet and greet and i saw this little fragile lifeless girl who was bleeding and bad she was beautiful even if she did have blood on her i saw that she was bleeding from her arm so i ripped my shirt and tied it around my arm to add pressure to the wound picked her up she was a tiny little thing she was about 5 ft and a fag butt an im 6ft 2 so it wasn’t that hard to carry her back to the bus when i got there the guys crowded round trying to help but i didn’t think crowding her would work so i took her to bed and let her rest when i got back in the living area of the bus i was bombarded with questions and i had no idea how to answer them at all Ashley was the first to ask questions like” who is she ? What were you doing with her? do you know what happened "he was talking way to fast for me to understand what he had said or for my mind to register at that before i knew it Ashley was clutching the back of his head and jinx was sitting there laughing at Ashley’s unfortunate pain he was in at that moment Ashley tried to slap jinx back but jinx just blocked it and said with a grin plastered to his face “Now, now child respect me i can make your life a living hell and i will do so if needed to so be careful and don’t try and hit me again ok" at this point i couldn’t help but laugh after a hour of just general talking about what we were going to do about tomorrows show we decided to get some shut eye it had been a long day for us all

(A/N:- whoo hoo long chapter proud of me XD hahaha word thinks it was a long chapter anyway COMMENT, VOTE, FAN. Ill fan you back)

Soph xxx

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