Chapter 4:

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"What?" I whispered.

"Hide me! Quickly!" she hissed back. Looking around the room, I motioned to the mirror standing in the corner.

The heavy footsteps stopped, directly outside the door. Aliyn, who was halfway to the mirror, made a split second decision and dove over all of the wires and underneath the bed with a muffled 'Ouch', rocking the bed and generally creating a racket.

A quiet knock sounded from the door, and we both winced. "Hello?" a deep voice questioned. I didn't answer, contemplating hiding underneath the bed too. The man outside knocked again.

"Hello?" he repeated. "Anyone awake?" I wanted to answer no, but decided against that as well. The stranger outside grunted happily before taking a step back and speaking softly to himself.


Aliyn shifted under the bed noisily, then stopped suddenly once she realised just how loud she was being. I grimaced hoping the man didn't hear that. Or hoping that he put it down to a sleeping, supposedly comatose patient.

As far as I could tell he didn't make any reaction to the sound. But he also didn't go away. His loud footsteps had ceased, and he didn't move, just stood there, right outside the door. Slowly, I lowered my head to under the bed. Aliyn's face was visibly pale even under the gloom of the bed.

Slowly and clearly I mouthed 'Who's outside the door?'

Aliyn wriggled herself almost silently into a squashed crouching position, and shrugged awkwardly. 'Is he gone?' she mouthed. I shook my head. I reached for the floor with my hands and slowly slid off the bed, navigating my way through the wires to the now foreboding and dark door. Every time my knee or hand crunched a wire Aliyn and I both winced hoping that the man wouldn't notice. He still didn't seem to.

I tiptoed to the door. Aliyn started to move from under the bed, but I motioned for her to stay back. I then leaned forward and put my eye to the crack between the door and the wall.

Only to find another dark brown eye staring right back at me.

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