(8) What you've all waited so patiently for...

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Anyway, you may proceed, and please comment to let me know your opinion of it! 

Chapter 8

The beach's calm sounds of flowing water and waves crashing against the shore usually calm me down when I'm stressed, but today they were stressing me out even more as I knew that my best friend and April were now on the hunt for me after what just happened. It all happened so fast; me wandering around in my own little world was totally harmless as I was admiring April's beautiful house with the furniture fit for royalty, but as soon as I turned that one corner to go outside by the pool, I saw the only thing that I never wanted to see ever. I'd never imagined anything like that happening, I thought that Sam and I were close enough now not to go and steal other people's love interests. He didn't care about me, that was clear now, my head was rushing past all the times him and I have ever shared, but none of them mattered anymore, not after he betrayed me by going after the one girl that I've really liked in a long time. I'd say that dating Kate was a total mistake, I didn't even like the girl that much, and to think that Eve was the last person that I had a proper relationship with is sad. I thought that I'd found someone who at least would be friends with me even if she isn't interested in dating girls, I didn't care, all I wanted for me and April was for us to become close. Close enough to maybe develop something later. But Sam, my apparent best friend, had thrown all of that away.

To my surprise I was able to sit at the beach for over 10 minutes before I was approached by April, as the pair had clearly split up to try and look for me. My feet were covered in sand and my face was buried in my hands when she came over to me at a fast pace. I definitely didn't want to talk to her right now, but I am going to, I need to be brave and answer anything she asks me, and hopefully I can avoid the truth when I talk to her.

April runs across the beach with sand flying out behind her that she kicks, and comes to an abrupt stop in front of me when she skids.

"Oh my gosh, Grace! What's the matter? Did you hurt yourself? Did you fall?" She asks with a concerned look on her face, looking down at my leg.

Its only now that I notice my leg streaming with blood, and I realise that I must have cut it on those tall grass blades before the beach. Now I could start to feel it sting, but it didn't hurt as much as my heart did.

I nod to April, and she gives me another sympathetic look and then takes off her white camisole and wraps it around my leg, smiling at me and then she hugs me once but I don't hug back.

"Why did you run away like that?" She asks, taking a deep breath, trying to slow her breathing as she must still be out of breath from running across the beach that fast.

I didn't want to tell her that I ran away from them because I saw her kissing my best friend which broke my heart because I really thought I had a chance with her... so I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"I uh..." I still have my eyes closed... "I...thought that... I was... going to have a panic attack..." I tell her, which was half true, although there was a massive trigger.

"Grace... You suffer from panic attacks too?" She asks, and my eyes widen with shock. How could someone who has literally jumped out of a plane have a panic disorder.

I nod slightly and wipe away a single tear from under my eye. "Yes... I do. I didn't... know that you suffered them... You seem so brave..." I tell her and she smiles at me, and I smile back.

"I've had it for many years so I've learned to overcome my fears and tackle it head on... but that's not important. Whats important is you right now, and I want to know why you had a panic attack all of a sudden like that... was it... was it because I kissed Sam?"

My Best FriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang