"Your concern is appreciated, but her highness wishes to see the Emperor's room."

She spoke calmly but loud enough for the man to hear. I stared at him as she merely scratched his head in discomfort with the situation, he sighed before moving aside for us to pass through. Ling bowed again, as she moved aside for me to pass. I fought the urge to snap at the man, but I felt my will draining from my very soul as we approached My father's room.

I inhaled calmly and did not let myself be emotional. As I passed the room, everything inside the emperor's room was scorched. The walls that separated the halls from his room were completely gone, and the inside of his room was able to see. The walls had been painted a dazzling gold paint with vermillion phoenix covering every inch of the wall. Now it was completely burnt off, the golden paint now drooped as it looked as it had been stripped from the walls by force. The large room seemed as if it had been thrown into the oven. His magnificent bed was completely ruined. The sheets were coated in ashen soot, and the golden bed frame was turned into a charcoal black. Wood from the ceiling dangled dangerously from the top of his bed. His golden dresser, shoes, clothing had all been ripped off their prestigious appearance and now looked like peasant clothing. I wiped a single tear from my eyes as I observed the once noble room of an Emperor, claim the status of nothing. I passed by it quickly not able to keep from legs from shaking.

I quickly arrived at the Empress's chambers, which were guarded heavily. The guards stood stone-faced as they watched me approach, they simply exchanged glances with one another before stepping aside to let me through. Though the Empress's room was supposed to compliment the Emperor's, my mother's room was the complete opposite, rather than fierce like the Vermillion Dragon, Her room represented a fragile bunny instead. Large windows let in a beautiful amount of light that made the room glow. Jade and sapphire jewels adorned the large bed that sat in front of me. The sheets were a pastel blue and blush pink. The walls were lightly painted with paintings of dragonflies, songbirds, and peacocks. As soon as the doors closed, I lost all formalities and ran up to my mother's bedside.

It was rare not to see the Empress up, and not attending to her daily chores, but with the current events, no one said anything to the Empress. As if overnight, all of Meifeng's beauty faded away as if it were some distant memory. Her skin became sickly pale, and her face was revealing my mother's true age, wrinkles covered her whole face and body. I stroked mother's head, causing her to wake.

"Jiayang I hadn't realized you came in."

She said weakly as she attempted to sit up. A light groan escaped her chest, I pushed her gently back in bed.

"No mother don't get up you are very weak, it is unsettling that you're getting sick so quickly."

I spoke concerned, I gently stroked her face, it was slightly moist she had been crying by herself. I fought back my own tears, and remained strong in front of her, a small grin plastered on my face. She looked at me for a moment, she opened and closed her mouth as if she were going to say something, but a cough followed instead.

"I suppose your right... Enough about me, I called you here for your brother's sake."

She muttered weakly, her hand remained over her mouth as she struggled to breathe. I searched frantically for my mother's attendants, but they were already on Meifeng's side. They sat her up slowly and offered her Longjing tea with jasmine petals. She sipped it slowly before exhaling.

"What about Jianyu?"

I resumed speaking after her coughing fit had settled down. The maids moved away and I positioned myself at her side.

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