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As you start walking towards the cliff, you hear leaves rustling behind you. You turn around to see a brown haired guy wearing medieval armor and an auburn haired girl wearing a summer red combat skirt and an orange cape.
???: Hello there. How are you?
Reader: We're good besides having to fight a nevermore and a deathstalker.
???: Wow!! I wish I was there.
Reader: My name is(y/n) and this is Ruby, Yang, Blake, Ice Queen.
Weiss: Hey!
Reader: Shut up. As I was saying, this is umm who are you, and where did you come.
Jaune: Really?
???: My name is Pyrhha.
???: I am Ren.
???: My name is Nora. Ilikepancakes. Doyoulikepancakes?
Ren: Nora, please.
Nora: Sorry.
Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.
???: Do they?
Reader: Who knows. He's too socialy awkward for any girl besides 'cough' pyrhha 'cough' to actually be in love with him.
Jaune: Hey!
??? Well my name is Yin Xiao.
???: My name is Primavera Xiao Long-Rose.
Yang: Wait, Xiao Long?
Ruby: Rose?
Primavera: Yeah. I don't really know who my parents are or where I'm from. All I remember is a white cape and red eyes.
Yang: Ruby, we should probably call dad. We don't know how any of this could have happened. Are you really a Xiao Long and a Rose?
Prima: I am or at least I think I am.
Yang: Well I'm Yang Xiao Long and this is my half sister Ruby Rose. That would make you our sister. But we've never heard of you.

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