You Realize You Like Him

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  Luke : You were 12 when you realized you liked Luke, you both were messing around with some pods you'd found. You were trying to fix them up for a race between the two of you. It was a pretty hot day out and both of you were sweating. Luke wiped his forehead with his sleeve and moved his hair out of his face and you stared at him with a half smile - even though he couldn't see you. You stood there for a moment actually appreciating how much of an amazing friend Luke was to you and he'd had a growth spurt recently and looked very handsome. Your face grew red as you realized your feelings for your best friend. You ducked back to what you were doing on the pod and started giggling to yourself, Luke was an amazing guy and you had strong feelings for him, he wouldn't feel the same though, he was your best friend.

Han : You'd been on his ship for almost 2 years now, flying sometimes but usually shooting down opposing ships. You and Han had banter between you both when you flirted with each other, mainly him to you but you didn't mind, you know it was only a joke, it was who he was. One day you, Han and Chewbacca left the ship to go for a drink and where you met the two of them - The Cantina on Tatooine. You and Han sat opposite each other, with Chewie next to you. Han kicked his feet up upon the table as you ordered the drinks. Once they came you stared at Han and actually looked deep into him, he may be broken but you were always good at fixing things, he was truly handsome also. You smiled to yourself as you looked at him. "What's up Sweetheart?" He said with a smirk as he lowered his feet. "Nothing." You said with a giggle as you took another sip from your drink, not moving your gaze from him. "Thinking bout me?" He said leaning forward with his hands on the table as he looked straight into your eyes, he was abnormally close. "Maybe." You said smirking at him as you moved away and turned around, just to annoy him. Your face flushed red as you then understood your true feelings for the smuggler Han Solo.
A small green guy, who you believed was referred to as Greedo came in to the Cantina and began trying to shoot Han. Your mouth dropped as you reached for your gun but was suddenly stopped by Han grabbing your hand, causing your heart to skip a beat, and then pulling you out of the building, and straight to the ship as he left Chewie to it as he knew he could handle it. You and Han got into the ship and began heavily breathing as you were both out of breath and started laughing "Close one." You said with a smile as you looked at him with a smile. "Not even nearly." He replied.

Anakin : He was never afraid to compliment you, which you truly appreciated but never knew if he actually meant it. At the age of 15, you and Anakin became a lot closer and you loved him strongly as a best friend. It wasn't until Anakin and you traveled to the Land of Naboo and met Senator Amidala that made your feelings for him fully develop. The trip caused you to became very jealous as she obviously liked Anakin and she was gorgeous so what stopped him liking her. You never found yourself to be the jealous type but after seeing her flirting with Anakin you couldn't help but stop yourself. In that moment you realized how you've actually liked him for a while now but never knew. You stayed cool with Anakin, and Padmé was actually very lovely and you both became good friends. For the rest of the day you teased Ani for liking Padmé but no matter what, he was set that he didn't, which you saw as a huge relief but he could never know that!

Obi-Wan : You found Obi attractive as soon as you saw him and once you actually met him, you thought he was even better. He was a lovely human that you became close with over the years, making your crush bigger and bigger. He was basically your soulmate, he was hilarious, lovely and all round an amazing person that was very caring, how could one not have a crush on Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was perfect.  

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