Chapter 7 We Can Work it Out

Start from the beginning

"This signals three hours of meditation." I heard Maharishi say to us all. He seemed to be smiling at me though. 

Wow Prudence! You've meditated about 7 hours today!

Despite my realization of this, I felt like my day had been accomplished. I calmly walked over to Pattie, Jane, and Maureen.

"Hi" They greeted me. "Hi" I replied.

"So... how was your night with John?" Pattie asked. I hadn't quite found the word to describe Pattie until now. She is gossip-y.

"Uh... good I guess." I replied, not quite sure how to answer that question. 

"What did you guys do?" Jane asked, giggling once she realized a different way to process the question.

"We talked... yeah, that's pretty much it." I said. 

"What did you talk about?" Pattie asked, waiting for something juicy to pop up in this conversation.

"Music, Life, Books." I said, calmly. 

"Oh." Pattie said sounding a bit disapointed.

"So... how's Ringo?" Pattie asked Maureen hopefully. 

"I don't think that he likes it here... we will probably be leaving in a week or so." Maureen mumbled the last part.

"WHAT!?!?!?" Pattie yelled. The entire camp went silent and everybody turned their attention to us. 

"Nothing to see here, move on with your lives, have a nice day." Jane said, waving her hands to gesture people to move along.

I couldn't help but giggle at Jane. Pattie glared at us both while we just smiled sheepishly at her. Maureen looked uncomfortable behind Pattie.

Pattie turned back towards Maureen. "Mo, you have got to be kidding!" Pattie said sounding desperate. 

"Pattie, I think that you're just over reacting! Ringo and I simply aren't enjoying ourselves here! It's not like we're never going to see each other again, as soon as George and you come back to England, we can gossip." Maureen said sounding calm. 

Pattie let out an exasperated huff. "If it's what you really want..."

"Thank you for understanding Pattie." Maureen said gratfully. "But I'm not gone yet, so let's have the time of our lives!!!" Maureen yelled and ran towards a random path. Pattie giggled and chased after Maureen.

Jane and I shrugged and we followed the two of them down the path. 

It seemed like we had been running for hours although I knew that it probably had just been ten minutes. Jane and I fell further and further behind Pattie and Maureen. Man, could they run!

Jane and I gradually slowed down until we were walking. Jane smiled at me, happy that she wasn't alone. Suddenly her expression changed. She seemed scared. 

"Where are we?" She asked, shakily.

"I have no clue!" I said suddenly becoming scared. 

"We have to go back!" Jane whimpered. 

It was true, who know's what's lurking in this forest?

"But what about Pattie and Maureen?" I asked, scared for all of us. 

"PATTIE!" She yelled. 

"Jane!" I said, hushed. "We don't want to draw an animal's attention!"

She paled. "What are we going to do then?" She asked.

There was a silence while I thought for a moment. 

We can't just leave them out in the forest! What if something happens?!

We can't follow them either though! Who knows how we got here? We'll be even more lost!

AND we can't call them! That would draw a predator's attention to us!

A twig snapped behind us. Jane and I screamed. We turned around to see Paul walking towards us, followed by John and Ringo. 

Where's George? Probably conversing with Maharishi or meditating...

Jane ran to Paul and flung her arms around his neck. "You have no idea how happy we are to see you guys!" Jane said, pecking Paul's lips. 

John and Ringo walked over to me. I felt a bit nervous about nothing. It was just John's presence I guess. We stood in awkward silence while Jane and Paul made out behind us. 

"So... what are you girls doing out in the woods?" Ringo asked, breaking the silence. 

"Maureen ran into the woods and Pattie followed her so Jane and I just tagged along but we got tired and here we are." I replied. 

"Then where's Mo and Pattie?" Ringo asked sounding concerned. 

"We're not sure... we were getting worried since it will be getting dark soon" I replied, staring at my feet. "Why are you guys here?" I asked, suddenly realizing that they had probably followed us. 

"Well... we wanted to go walking in the woods... um... and then... we um.... uh..." Ringo said, trying to come up with an excuse. I smirked.

"We just wanted to make sure you girls would be okay." John said calmly, staring into my eyes. 

I blushed. Come on Prudence get yourself together! 

"Well, we didn't need your help. We were doing perfectly fine." I said coldly. Ringo looked taken by surprise at my change in tone. 

"Obviously not, you're missing two fourths." John said, returning my coldness.

Ringo stood back, staring at us both like we were crazy.

John's POV

What are you doing John!?! 

If she wants to fight, let's fight!

John stop it! You're going to regret this!

Stop acting like Mimi!

"Why did you even follow us in the first place? Did you think that we were going to do something stupid or get into trouble?" She asked, near to yelling.

"Of course! Cause that's all you are Prudence, trouble!" I replied, regreting it after I said it. Prudence's eyes teared up. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. She turned around without saying another word and ran in the direction we came from.

Nice John! She'll really want you now! 

Stop being so sarcastic! She deserved it anyways, she was doing the same thing back!

You barely know her, besides it seems like there's something bothering her!

Why are you so mad at her anyways?

She left me ths morning and hasn't been nice ever since!

Why am I haveing this conversation with myself anyways? Why do I even talk to myself?

You are one wierd person, John Lennon.

Ringo sent me a disaproving glance before shaking his head, and walking toward Jane and Paul. 

I looked around for something to distract myself but it was difficult. 

We looked around and called for Pattie and Mo a couple of times but we had no luck. We walked back to the camp to find them already there.

"Where's Prudence?" I asked Pattie the second I saw her. 

"She's been meditating for two hours! That's all she's done all day!" Pattie said, looking disapointed. 

 I nodded and walked back to my tent. There's no point in trying to talk to her while she's meditating, that'll only make her more pissed. I'll just wait until tomorrow to talk to her. 

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