Chapter 8: Encounter (short)

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Mabel's POV

It's been a week since Bill and my brother took over Gravity Falls. It wasn't that hard for them anyways, bill has unlimited power, cans Dipper seems to have a select few, but those select powers, are really powerful. I will sometimes see Dipper, floating around the shack, one minute he's there, the next he's 50 feet away. Ford put something up in the shack so that anything Bill or dipper cast, won't affect anything in the shack, they also can't enter the shack.

We've been running a bit low on food, and we can't just go to town and get some more, Dipper is usually hangout no around there, doing whatever he does.

So I decided that I would go in the woods and find some food for us. Ford gave me some camouflage stuff so they detect me. "Please be careful." Ford said as I stepped outside. "I will, I promise." I responded heading out into the woods.

Bill seems to like the Night a lot because the sun never shines any more, it's always lit by the eerie glow of the moon.

I walked into the forest Making sure I didn't leave a trace of myself. I followed the light of the moon and tonight was a full moon, but it was a blood moon, whatever that means. 

I walked through the woods making sure to stay in the shadows, it was kinda easy because this was a forest and it was full of shadows. I kept walking until I came to an opening. I glanced around then stepped into the light off the moon.

I walked to the center of the clearing and looked around.

Then I heard an eerie echoed laugh that sent chills down my spine.

I nervously glanced around. 

"I see you're all alone at this time..." A voice said. I looked around the clearing clearly scared because the voice seemed to be coming from everywhere. "W-who are you?" I stuttered.

"I'm hurt, I thought you would've recognized my voice, but I guess I did do some, improvement  to it." I was now really scared and confused.

"Just show yourself!" I yelled into the darkness. "But if I did that, you'd run away." The voice trailed off but the same echoey laughter filled up the area.

"I guess I can come out, after all, it is time for dinner." My eyes widened as I tried to find who the voice belonged to. I froze when I saw a black dust surround a certain area a couple feet in front of me.

The dust flew up and someone materialized out of it. "How's it been going Mabel?"

(Cliff hanger!!! This was my small idea, I tried to lengthen it out more, but I couldn't, you guys are spoiled you know, getting even a small chapter when writers block is huge in my head. I promise the next chapter will be longer, and I'm hitting my on the desk trying to think of something. PEACE!)

How Can You Tell Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora