Chapter 4: now you care?

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Mabel's POV

Dipper had been acting weird all day. Everyone noticed it. He always had bloodshot eyes now. I think all the pain is going to his head. Now I feel bad for what I've done all these years.

If you tried to talk to him, he'd snap at you. Everyone has just left him alone all day. When I do see him, he's staring off into space. Mostly looking at the ceiling. I tried to talk to him like six times already, but Ford has told me that when your life is that downhill, you need days just to chill and we should leave him alone.

"I don't know what to do." I said as I sat next to Wendy in the gift shop. Soos was also with us. "Yeah, all that pain must've gone mental." Wendy said. "I guess I feel bad about leaving that dude out." Soos said. "Well, it sort of is Mabel's fault for loudmouthing about her brother for the whole summer. Each day he gets more upset. I can't even talk to him without him breaking down." Wendy and Soos went back and forth like this for a while. But I only thought about how this was practically my fault.

"Mabel, Mabel Mabel." Wendy snapped me out of thought. "What?" I said. "You like walls? You've been staring at it for a while." Wendy said. "No, I've just been thinking." I said my voice trailing off. "About what?" Soos asked me. I was about to tell them when I heard movement. We all looked at the door that leads farther into the house. The door opened a bit and Dipper came out. He softly shut the door behind him. He walked past us and I saw some tears fall to the ground. He walked towards the door to the outside. He quickly opened it and he then ran outside. The door slamming behind him. "Let me go." I said. Wendy and Soos sat back down and I got up.

I walked outside and I looked around. It was softly raining and I guess it fit the mood. I found Dipper sitting under a tree his head on his knees. He hugged his legs and that made my guilt increase a bit. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He didn't move, we just listened to the soft sound of the rain. "Why are you here?" He asked, I heard all the pain in the voice. "I'm here because I'm sorry that you've never made it." Dipper looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, all you're life, you've been out down." Dipper them glared at me and stood up and walked away from me. I gasped and ran up to him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around so he was facing me. "What that heck! Don't walk away from me!" I yelled at him. "You know why I walked away?! The second you said Those words, all those painful memories came haunting back!" I heard the door open and I liked past Dipper. Stan, Ford, Wendy and Soos were now outside too. "And you know who's the cause of all those moments?!" Dipper yelled at me. He put his finger on my shoulder. "Your the cause." He said. "What?! You think I'm the cause of this?!" I yelled back at him. "You're the reason I'm emotionally and now mentally broken! You never cared about me! I'm your twin! We should've been together! You should've been the one who helped me stand up to bullies not generate more! You're the reason why I'm bullied at school. You just had to be a blabber mouth about how you have a terrible brother you wished never was born. I'm sure if I did suicide right now in front of your face, you'd laugh. Just like when a wooden beam threatened to stop my life right then and there, just like when the bullies hurt me right in front of you, the time I fell down the hill and slammed my chest into a rock. You just watched and laughed. You just love throwing my under the bus don't you?" He asked me. I didn't know what to say. He was right. All the sudden all those memories came back in a different lens. A lens of how I was a terrible sister I've been. "When I'm dying, my last words will be. I wish I never had a sister. Now you see how that pain feels." Dipper then walked towards the forest.

"Dipper wait!" I yelled at him. I ran towards him but stopped. He was talking to someone. Stan and the others came up to me.

"Let's go." I heard Dipper said. "Yes, let's go Pine Tree." I then saw Bill. "Dipper! Get away! That's Bill! He's going to trick you!" I yelled at my brother. He turned around and Bill flew behind him and out his hands on Dipper's shoulders. "Oh I see how it is. The second I get something that actually makes me happy, you now then choose to care. Now you care when I have something I like." Dipper then turned away and I watched the demon and my brother walk into the darkness of the forest.

"We've lost him." Ford said. "What?" I asked. "He's been hurt enough that he's turned to the last resort, Bill. We can't get him back, it's hopeless.  We need something to trigger his mind that Bill's just using him." Ford responded. I only looked back into the forest. Tears fell down my face. Dipper was right, he's only like this because of me. "Dipper was right." I said breaking the silence. "I've been a terrible sister. All I've done is throw him under the bus! I should've been nicer to him!" I fell to my knees and I let the rain envelope  my mood. I'm going to get you back Dipper, even if it kills me. That'll show you that I truly am sorry, and I do care.

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