0.1: Max's Noona

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"Noona! I'm home."

Max's loud voice woke you up. You fell asleep in the living room while waiting for him to come home. You looked at the clock before getting up. It's almost 3 a.m.

"Why do you always have to come home so late?" You went straight to the kitchen to heat up some food for him
"You know why. Our training schedule is insane. What's for breakfast?" He said skipping towards you.
"Ne. I know. I just can't believe you can still be that lively."
"Well, that's because I'm happy there's someone waiting for me to come home, noona."

You looked at him and saw his smile that made you trust him you first saw it. A week ago, you lost your job and became homeless in one day. Two men tried to steal your things and harass you. Luckily,he was just across the street.

"You know I won't be here for so long. I shouldn't be. I don't want to disturb your peaceful solidarity." You said as you shook your head.
"You can stay here as long as you want. It doesn't bother me. I love it actually!"

You sat on the kitchen counter after setting the pot of kimchi stew on the stove while Max sat beside you.

"No. I can't let you give me free food and house for so long. Anyway, Jenny's coming home soon. I can stay with her." After saving you from the thieves, he let you stay in his apartment.
"You SHOULD stay with me, noona." You sighed.
"Max, listen to me. I can't, ok? I also need to look for a new job."
"You don't need to, noona. After our debut, I'll be able to earn enough to support you."

You looked at him. Why does this kid want you to stay so badly? You decided to change the topic because you don't think you can handle convincing this 18-year-old boy that you can't stay.

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that your friends are coming over? How many are they?" You know how easily he gets distracted.
"Only one! The others are busy. He's my sunbae. I think you know him. He's-"

He got cut off by the doorbell ringing. He immediately jumped off the kitchen counter and helped you get down.

"That should be him! He told me he'll just get this things when I left the company building."

He rushed to open the door while you wondered who the visitor is. You already know that Max is a trainee in Pledis. You met some of his fellow trainees when they visited but the visitor is his sunbae which means he's either from Nu'est or Seventeen. You realized how lucky you are that day when you lost your job and house, got almost harassed and met Max. Now you're going to meet an idol because of him! Lucky you~

•○Shining diamonds, yeah!~○•

You must be curious there's no S.coups yet. Well, this is supposed to be a realistic one and it won't be so real for you to meet S.coups suddenly especially in the first chapter! Forgive me.

If you hate me, you may go. If you love S.coups, continue. If you feel both, continue. Your love for S.coups is surely greater than your hate for me.

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