1.6: "I like you"

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S.coups slowly and carefully laid Seunghee on her bed. He then looked at you and approached you.

"I know you have a lot of questions. Just ask. You're Seunghee's eomma. You can ask her appa anything." And then he smiled.
You can't help but smile too. "We both know I'm just her babysitter. And you're her uncle." He looked down and held your hands.
"Y/N, when I first heard Seunghee call you eomma, I thought she just misses her mom. But now, I think she really felt like you're her mom. My sister-in-law was never this caring to her."
"Well, it's my job. But, I need to admit I learned to love her like my real daughter too." He looked at your eyes again and smiled.
"Maybe that's why I like you."

You froze. Did he just say he likes you? Or are you asleep right now and this is just a dream? Or is this just one of your fangirl dreams? Or what?!

"What?" He bit his lower lip to suppress his laughter
"Sleep now, Y/N-ah. You're always tired I know. Seunghee always runs around endlessly. Good night."

He kissed your forehead and went to his room. You just stood there for minutes. What just happened?! Your inner fangirl self is overloading with feels! You're drowning from all these things S.coups says and does.

You want to run around the house screaming but you know that would surely wake up Seunghee so you just went to your room. You buried your face into your pillow and screamed your feels out.

Now you don't know how to sleep. You completely forgot anything after what happened. You just can't stop from smiling like crazy while thinking about everything S.coups did.

You didn't realize what time it is until Seunghee started searching for you. You weren't able to sleep but you're still energized. Maybe this is what love feels like. Like you just drank 10 liters of energy drink. Like you just smoked tons of weed. Like you're on cloud nine. Like nothing can go wrong at all.

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