Chapter 3

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The next morning I decided I would just hang around the ware house with the others and Eddie when I left the hotel room I noticed Emily wasn't here which is weird because she is always here at this time in the morning I figured that she was practicing her dance so I headed out I wore boyfriend jeans, a blue shirt tank, my black adidas jacket and then some converse my dad wasn't in so he wouldn't see me until later so it was fine to dress like this.

The next morning I decided I would just hang around the ware house with the others and Eddie when I left the hotel room I noticed Emily wasn't here which is weird because she is always here at this time in the morning I figured that she was practi...

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I got to the ware house and just helped around danced and all that stuff I was talking to Eddie, Penelope and Jason when Sean walked in with my sister and we all turned to look at them

"Hey man" Eddie said giving Sean a bro hug and then coming back by my side "and who might this be" Eddie asked looking at Emily

"Emily she's going to help us on our next mission" and the second those words left Sean's mouth Eddie tensed

"Sean can I talk to you" Eddie said pull Sean aside as we all just stood there in wait for them to return when they finally returned
Eddie spoke first

"Can you get here ready by the next mob" Eddie asked and Sean nodded

"Good because your dancing lead" Eddie said

"Did you say lead" Emily said in disbelief "yep" Eddie called out as he walked away I have Emily a quick hand shake before running after Eddie and told him about the plus of having another girl in the mob.

I sat in the restaurant and await the start of the dance Emily got onto of the table and started the dance as Emily and Sean danced onto of the table together me and some of the other girls danced with the other boys I was with Eddie and then the boys went so Emily could walk on there hands to a table where they out a chair to do a cool dance move once that was done we all got in lines and did the dance whilst Mercury built the art that read the mob on it and after that we left and drove off  we got back to the warehouse and changed before heading to Ricky's for drinks I just wore the same outfit as early which was a black dress with a white jacket and adidas superstars

I sat in the restaurant and await the start of the dance Emily got onto of the table and started the dance as Emily and Sean danced onto of the table together me and some of the other girls danced with the other boys I was with Eddie and then the ...

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and I sat at the bar with Eddie as we watched Sean and Emily tango on the dance floor after they finished they made there way over to us

"Come on Eddie give it up" Sean said and Eddie sighed

"You did good" he said standing up and giving her a hug before coming back to hold my hand that night we hung out at Ricky's before I went back to eddies for the night. We got there and fell asleep pretty fast because we where tiered from the dancing and partying.

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