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A/N This is my first book I have ever published on Wattpad but not the first I have written. I wanted to make Stargate Atlantis book because I loveeeee the show and Jason Momoa so I decided why not. I hope you like it.

I've been on the run ever since my plant had been destroyed by the wraith; I watched my friends, family, all of my people die. My own parents were killed right in-front of me trying to protect me. I was 13 years old when the attack happened my father was one of the high ranking military leaders on my planet and my mother was one of the head doctors at the hospital. My father knew that the attack was going to happen along with everyone else on the planet but my father wanted my mother and I yo leave the planet and go somewhere safe. Being the stubborn women we were we weren't going to leave my father or our people behind.

That day will haunt me for the rest of my life...

My parents and I were home at home because my father had the day off so we were having family time. Our version of family time was really different from most instead of sitting around playing board games or watching TV my parents thought it would be a good idea to teach me more about their jobs. That day was my mothers day, she was teaching me how to use different plants and herbs to make medicines; she just showed me a medicine that would help heal a wound then the alarms sounded. My parents shared a knowing look making my mother grab my arm and ran behind my father out of the house.

"Daddy's whats happening?"

My father was putting on his Satedan armor as we walked, he bent down in-front of me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sweetheart, there are some bad people coming to the planet so I have to get you and your mother out of here okay."

"But what about you daddy?" I said resting my hand on his cheek letting my tears fall

"My goal is to get my girls off of this planet safely." he wiped my tears away

My dad stands and grabs his gun in one hand and mine with his other. "Whatever happens out there just know I love you both." my father kissed my forehead and kissed my mother

"We love you too."

My father was leading us out of our neighborhood and there were darts flying everywhere and wraith; but my people weren't going to give up without a fight

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My father was leading us out of our neighborhood and there were darts flying everywhere and wraith; but my people weren't going to give up without a fight. There were explosions left and right, people screaming, people being fed upon by the wraith.

"Mommy I'm scared."

"Sweetie we have to be strong, I know you're scared but we have to be strong we have to get out of here."

"MOMMY LOOK OUT!" I yelled pointing behind her

My mom turned around and shot at the wraith behind her, she grabbed my hand again and ran to keep up with my father.

"We're almost to the gate!" My father shouted

Out of nowhere a dart zoomed past us beaming down a whole squadron of wraith soldiers, my mother pushed me behind her and my parents started firing on the wraith. When I thought we were outnumbered a Satedan squadron came and helped my parents kill the wraith.

"Sir where is your team?" a soldier asked

"They're right here, I need to get them to the gate and fast."

"We'll help you get them to the gate General Lacroix." I looked up and saw Ronon he was one of the soldiers my dad helped train


"Come on Alika we have to go." Ronon grabbed my hand

"Alright men get in formation!" My dad yelled at the squadron "Sweetheart I want you to stay in the middle near your mother, myself or Ronon. Okay?"

"Yes sir." Trying to be brave

"That's my girl. Now move out!"

All of us were running to the gate fighting off wraith on the way. Suddenly the soldiers started dropping like flies, I screamed seeing a wraith behind me. Ronon scoped me up into his arms and shot the wraith, I will always remember that moment he made the chaos go away and I was not afraid.

"Ronon get them to the gate!" my father shouted still fighting

"But sir-"

"That's an order soldier!"

"Yes sir." Ronon started running with me in his arms and my mother behind us

"DADDY!" I yelled reaching for him

"Go with Ronon princess, I love you." Those were my fathers last word to me because a wraith started feeding on him. His screams still haunt me to this day...

My mother turned around after hearing my screams she saw the wraith and shot it in the chest. She ran towards my fathers body and began weeping.

"Jovian! You can't leave me we were so close."

"MOMMY!" But I was too late a wraith stabbed her through her stomach making my mother drop to her knees. Ronon shot the wraith

"Take care of her Ronan."

Ronon nodded at my mother, turned and ran to the gate dialing a safe address to a different planet.

"But Ronon my parents..."

"Alika, your parents have some of the greatest honor on this planet the fought till death they were true Satedans. Now they would like you to be brave, you have to be brave use everything they taught you and go Alika. Can you do that for me?"

With a nod from me Ronon pushed me towards the gate I ran leaving everything behind.

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