I faintly heard the gym teacher shout a, "Great effort Mathews!", but I was more focussed on Erik, who had his hand held out towards me for me to grab. I did so, letting him pull me up and noticing how the sparks I had felt with Tyler were not felt with Erik.

He let go and scratched his head in thought. "Well...thanks."

I smiled, he finally talked to me! "Anytime!"

We then continued to play while I tried to think of something to talk about.

"So did you hear about what happened in first period?"

He caught a ball coming his way before nodding. "Did you really get a detention?"

"Yea, I guess I shouldn't have talked about her ass in class."

He nodded. He's really not a man of many words.


"-and I was like, "Well why don't you just talk more?' and he was all like, "well why don't you just talk less?" Like can you believe that?"

I shook my head, "n-"

"So like I keep going and I'm like "Because I like to talk to you." and then he was like "Well I just like to hear your voice." which I thought was really cute but like I'd like to hear him talk a little more once in a while, you know?"

I nodded, answering Anastasia's questions and following along with her stories about her and Erik, while also trying to pay attention to Ms. Jacky. She was currently teaching us that when writing a novel, one should show, not tell. By that she means that instead of saying a character is feeling a certain way, you should show it through their actions. Indirect and direct characterization and all that jazz.

This is something that I am trying to work on, so I was really putting some effort into paying attention to what she was saying. Apparently I wasn't doing a very good job.

"Ms. Mathews, I'd appreciate it if you would stop talking to Anastasia and would pay a little more attention to the class. You don't need another detention, do you?"

I swear my jaw almost hit the floor.

"But I wasn't even-"

"Okay, another detention it is then."

I gasped, but didn't respond, knowing that would only make it worse. Anastasia looked really guilty, and kept mouthing "sorry!" to me. I shook my head, letting her know it was okay. I guess all the teachers have it out for me now, even crazy Ms. Jacky. Which sucks, I was really starting to like her.

I saw Ms. Jacky taking a sip from her coffee, and in the spur of the moment I decided to crush the plastic cup, using my telekinesis, smiling when the warm beverage spilled all over her and stained her rainbow clothes.

Wow Leila, you have been really sadistic lately.

Anastasia looked over at me and whispered, "Karma's a bitch."

I nodded. "No kidding."


When lunch time finally rolled around, I was anxious to get my hands on some food and dig in. This time I was gonna get a grilled cheese with french fries, the veggie burger I had yesterday sucked ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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