That Night Continued

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I looked up at the starry sky, gazing at an endless world of wonder. It was beautiful. Why aren't I reading the paper you ask? Whatever is on this paper..... point is, this page could change my life. I may never be able to look at Zarden or anyone in it the same way ever again. I need something amazing before this page changes me.

I had taken my shoes off and I was letting the sand wiggle between my toes. I was lying on the shore, allowing the waves to flow up onto my side, a nice refreshing water source on this unusually warm night. I need to do it. I can't avoid it. I flipped it up off of my chest. It read:

Tony Rockwell and Michael McLennsta,

Your request for the protection dome around Zarden has been granted, and I personally guarantee that no one will escape your village. All the citizens will continue purchasing in replacement for the lack of needed and wanted shipments of supplies. We have taken a census like you asked, and there are 107 citizens in Zarden. (As of June 13th, 1794) None will be leaving, just more to come. From January 23rd, 1791 to present day, you have earned $2,793,426. Your brilliance will continue to supply the private village with the money it wants for future reasons. Thank you for choosing us to help you with this project, it is a great honor.

Until Further Notice,

Dylan Jackson

At the bottom there were tiny letters that said, Dylan's Forcefields and Domes.

Dome? I stood up along the shoreline, breathing heavily.

Could it be? I stuck my hand out into the air in front of me and felt around. Then I quickly jerked it back. How was I supposed to know what that blue circle thing was? It could be anything! Breathe, Elisabeth, breathe. Your village is relying on you! Just do it!

"Nice pep talk," I accidentally said out loud. Once again, I stretched my hand out, and when I didn't feel anything, I was ready to pull my hand back, but I tripped.

I was felt slow. I shut my eyes so the salty water wouldn't splash in my eyes. It stopped. I opened my eyes. I was pressed against some screen or something. I moved my eyes up, not moving any other part of my body. All around me.....a bluish-purplish circle......

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