oh great

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“Oh my god!” I muttered under my breath, I couldn’t believe what just happened. He kissed me. “I… I have to go.” I rushed out, leaving him sitting on my bed in a daze. I hurried down stairs and ran out the door.

The cold winter’s air hit my face, my cheeks went rosy red and the wind blew my long brown hair to the side. I wrapped my arms around my waist mentally scolding myself for no leaving without a jacket. I was only wearing strappy aqua top and deep blue jeans. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and texted Felicity; she’s my closest friend right after Jayden. We’ve always had each other’s backs, ever since year 6 when Jayden left and I was alone.

The day we met she had been staring at me the whole way through class. I was moping around ignoring the lesson not my normal preppy self when Jayden’s around, she came up to me she was really pretty up close; I hadn’t noticed before. She linked her arm in mine. She had confidently stated that I was her new bestie and that’s how it’s been ever since. ‘IM COMING OVER RIGHT NOW’. I texted her and without waiting for a reply, I briskly walked to Felicity’s house.

I banged on the door she opened up confused look on her face. “Where’s the fire?” she asked me. Felicity was still in her satin pink pjs, her blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders, her olive skin still untouched by make-up. I grinned when I noticed she was wearing those silly pink bunny slippers I gave her for Christmas last year. I nodded towards the stairs, gesturing for us to go up. Felicity nodded and we began walking up her stairs. I stopped half way when I noticed Felicity’s mum in the lounge. ”hi Mrs Loreeo” I said, she was sitting on the sofa her hair in curlers, Felicity’s  little brother Toby sat next to her eating Coco Pops.  “Hi darlin.” She said sipping her coffee watching GMTV.

I carried on up the stairs and opened Felicity’s bedroom door. I sat crossed legged on her bed she took a seat beside me and spoke. “Okay Ruby, what’s up? I kicked Jason out for you so you better tell me.” Jason was felicity’s boyfriend; he was captain of the football team really cute. He had brown tussled hair really with deep green eyes with specs of blue. He was one of our group friends so I had to watch them play tonsil tennis at lunch, which I can tell you isn’t the highlight of my days at school, and trust me it defiantly put you off you food.

“Hello ruby?” she snapped her fingers in front of my face impatiently. “Oh sorry I was thinking” I said stuttering through the sentence. “Whatever! Anyway I thought you were picking up your old school friend Jayden or something?” she eyed me suspiciously and I quickly spoke up. “I did and you won’t believe what happened, and I need your help on what to do next.”

As I was explaining from first picking him up from the airport, how amazingly hot he was to the kiss. I watched as Felicity’s face went from not at all to a little interest to sitting across from me hanging on my every word.

When I finished her eyes were wide open and her mouth forming an “O” shape. “Oh my god what did you do when he kissed you? And oh was it good?” “I got outta there. I told him I had to go, and I ran out the house and came here. Um yeah it was amazing!” I said, my voice going up a pitch “warm, sweet and genuine” I smiled and then frowned. “What do I do I’m so confused!” I dug my head in my hands “I dunno mate you’re in a tough one, maybe you should just hear him out, but what I do know is that we are going shopping to clear your head, text your mum tell her.” “Ok bossy bossy” she smirked grabbed her clothes and headed into her bathroom.

 I slipped my phone out of my back pocket and texted my mum; she’s probably still busy with Stephanie I thought. I quickly got a text back ‘ ok darling be home for dinner xx’ I was about to put my phone back when I got a message, it was from Jayden ‘um hi I’m still here sittin on ur bed kinda worried I’m sorry if the kiss upset you did it? J x’ I didn’t really want to reply right now I put my phone back ignoring the text. “Kay ready to go” “sure” I smiled then sighed; she cocked her head to the side looking suspiciously then shrugged and went for the door.

We got into the car and drove off to the shopping centre, the ride there was silent, all I could think about was why had Jayden kissed me and maybe should I hear him out?

We pulled up and felicity got out of the car I didn’t even realise still captivated in my own thoughts, until  I glanced out the window at a person that looked a lot like felicity, I turned around to face felicity to say she looked like her, when I realised hey that was felicity! I got out and ran to her side. “Hey why’d you walk off” “sorry. You were in gaga land I did call your name like ten times and you didn’t reply, and I wanted to shop before It closed,  so you gotta do what you gotta you gotta do what you gotta do.” I laughed at her saying; she smiled and started laughing to.

After al-hot of shopping we got back in the car and drove to our favourite place to eat Jerinis pizza joint. They do the best pizza ever all of a sudden Felicity started yelling “MAMAMIA IM-AA HUNGRY”  I looked down at the table not being able to contain my laughter “so what do you want to order” ” I said through a fit of giggles “duh what we always order” “PEPPERONI AND CHICKEN PIZZA!!” we both shout at the same time, waiters and customers stair at our booth, we both went the brightest red some of them laughed and went back to what they were doing.


Felicity dropped me off waving to me and mouthed ‘good luck.’ butterflies flew around my stomach no not butterflies jet planes. I watched as she pulled out of the drive way and down the road till I couldn’t see her car anymore, I walked down my pathway and slowly unlocked the door, I heard clanking coming from the kitchen, mums making dinner I thought, I put my shopping bags down and entered the room Stephanie was helping mum with the cooking, Jayden was sitting at the table looking at me with heartbroken eyes I sighed. “ oh hey honey did you have a good time shopping with Felicity” “uh yeah” “ good sit down dinners ready”

 I sat down furthest away from Jayden he sighed and looked down at the table. Mum and Stephanie sat down and we were all eating mums spaghetti bolognaise, silence filled the room all you heard was the clanking of cutlery until Stephanie spoke “so Ruby did Jayden tell you, he’s going to Yorkland High School with you” “oh great” i said smiling feeling the exact opposite inside. The tension broke and polite conversation came between mum and Stephanie me and Jayden didn’t say a word. I finished my dinner and put the plate in the dishwasher I said goodnight avoiding Jayden’s  lingering gaze, I walked up the stairs changed into my pjs and snuggled into my duvet my last thought was Jayden before sleep claimed me.    

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