The last question asked Do you know what Duskrite is? Rose had to make a wild guess on that one. She didn't feel so great about that exam when Mr. Giunta cleared their desks. The room buzzed with quiet discussion about certain questions.

       "Where does a lunar pearl come from?"

       "Did you know the answer to number 52?"

       "What spell was it that..."

       Rose tuned the conversations out. Her mind was racing with questions about what she had done, not the actual test. Could she really do magic that easily?

       She raised her hand to ask Mr. Giunta what her hair changing color meant when Rosaline blurted out, "Mr. Giunta what do you teach at Mitoam?"

       "You won't be having me in your first year, Miss Coldren. I teach SD Spellcasting and Foodcasting." He said while grinning.

       "Foodcasting?" Rosaline asked incredulously.

       "Yes, Miss Coldren. Foodcasting. For those who wish to master the art of cooking but with magic. It's an elective." He gave the students a sly grin and patted his excessive stomach.

       Just then Mrs. Magistra came back down the stairs, "I have the results of those of you who passed. Zachary Ace, Rose Benoit, Codie Cheney, Gabey Meister, Angelika Pisano, Samson Siesto, and Oliver Talib. Everyone else please get up and leave."

       The room was nearly empty now. Rose was pleased to see Rosaline's look of sorrow at not passing Stage Four. Mr. Giunta's mustache quivered with excitement.

        "That test isn't meant to be easy and I am pleasantly surprised to see so many of you still here!" he exclaimed.

       "So...many?" Rose said out loud looking around the room. There were only seven students left.

       "Yes Miss Benoit, so many. By now we are usually down to three."

       "Three? But that would mean.... That maybe one person gets accepted into Mitoam from this school each year!" Oliver declared.

       "Precisely my boy!" The smile never left Mr. Giunta's face. "We can't have everyone getting into a highly prestigious magic school now can we?"

       "Mr. Giunta, if magic has gotten so rare, why do so few make it into Mitoam?" Rose asked. Was she good enough to pass the rest of the Tests?

       "There are many more schools than just this one that you attend, Miss Benoit. Roughly 50 students get in to Mitoam each year. There are other magic schools around the country for those who aren't qualified."

       Rose clutched her stomach trying to settle the butterflies. She was almost there! Almost passed the Tests and accepted into the greatest school of magic around! But what if she wasn't good enough? Could she live with the humiliation of making it this far and not getting accepted?

       "Stage Five, students." Mrs. Magistra said quietly, "the Magic Test." Mr. Giunta was smiling his broad toothy smile, but Mrs. Magistra's face was serious.

       Mr. Giunta whispered something in Mrs. Magistra's ear, drawing a raised eyebrow from her and a glance in Rose's direction.

       "In this test students, you will be performing magic!" Mr. Giunta exclaimed with enthusiasm.

       The seven students left "oohed" and "aahed" and clapped their hands in a frenzy.

       "Without wands." Mrs. Magistra added. The excitement faded.

Rose Benoit and the School of Magic Where stories live. Discover now