Chapter 16

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The Boys had a press conference about the new film as soon as we got to the new state so I got dragged along as my dad is still treating me like a child. He hasn't said anything about the incident at the last hotel so I guess he still doesn't know.

My dad had to sit close to the boys but I had to sit in the audience but I got really bored so decided to wander as for some reason my phone had no signal in the room. I went outside where I finally got signal and 6 messages popped up on my screen, they were all from Jamie.

*I had such a great time last night thank you for coming*

*I miss you so much I'm so sad that you had to leave hopefully we will meet up soon*

*I probably startled you last night with the kiss I'm sorry if I did*

*Do I have the right number is this you Alice?*


*Ok I'll stop now you're probably sleeping goodnight*

I looked at my phone screen in disbelief, why was Jamie being so creepy. Well I suppose I hardly knew him anyway I guess I had a lucky escape. I decided not to text him back as he was being strange and I had nothing to say to him anyway. I went back into the press conference and slipped back into my seat hoping my dad hadn't looked behind and noticed my disappearance.

The press conference finally finished and the boys rushed back stage, I saw my dad at the front motion for me to follow him. I had to run to keep up with him, the boys were already in the car my dad got in the front with the driver and he made me go in the back.

Liam was reading an American newspaper and on the front it said "Breaking news, British Boys trash hotel" I immediately had a flash back of all the events from the last hotel.

"Let me see that for a second" I said to Liam and ripped the newspaper out of his hands

"You need to learn to be polite" Liam said to me and I laughed, I'm not really used to sharing being a only child with a dad who's always at work so I'm used to getting my way.

"Sorry" I said not meaning it and started reading the paper.

"One Direction a British/Irish boy band recently played at the Hershey Stadium. They caused havoc in the hotel a source close to us says. The damage had exceeded over $200,000 but the hotel didn't charge the boys due to their loyalty to the hotel chain. The damage included a pool clogged up with cake, the private restaurant will need refurbishing due to cake stains on the ceiling. Also a lift is out of service due to cake getting into the electrical system. Those boys have literally caused a caketastropy in the hotel. The hotel are devastated by the damage but hope the One Direction boys visit again. An eye witness at the hotel claimed they saw 5 boys and a brunette girl all covered in cake run across the lobby and jump into a lift. Another witness was about to enter the lift when he saw them all covered in cake and he didn't want to ruin his expensive suit."

"Omg we have to hide this from my dad" I said quietly so he couldn't hear me through the black screen. I knew if he read this he'd immediately know the brunette girl was me and I'd deffinelty be going home

"I am keeping it anyway to put in my scrapbook" Harry said and everyone looked at him with confused expressions.

"You are so lame sometimes" Louis said

"No I like to keep the funny articles and things so when I'm older i can look back on all he great stuff we did and even show my kids" He said and went bright red.

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