[ Prologue ]

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"He thinks I'm trash." I say to my best and only friend, Tom. He sighed and rolled his eyes at me.
"He does not. You two are just the opposite of each other. He's serious, and you're hyper." Tom flashed his blue eyes towards my brown ones.
I raised an eyebrow. "Hyper?"
"You bounce all over the place." Tom replied, while pulling on his book bag straps. "And you like to get into people's personal business."
"Yeah, but who found out that Erica Lunge was the classroom cheater? Huh?" I asked with a smirk.
Tom chuckled, "You. But who also forced me to drive them downtown to watch the FBI catch a drug dealer — which not to mention your dad was in the case, and that he totally chewed us up and spat us back out once he caught us? Certainly wasn't me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, I made a point that if they had come from behind the alley where the dealer was, the catch would've been much faster." I explain. "He almost forgot about grounding me, but... Then he remembered."
Tom chuckled again, "I'm scared to see what goes on inside your head."
I scoffed, "I already know what goes on in your head: The King plays with the Ace." Tom looked over at me, utterly bewildered. "Come here," I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side of the sidewalk so we weren't in anyone's way. Grabbing Tom's brown hair, I make his right ear face up to the sky.
"Dais, what are you — OW!" I start hitting his ear hard. "Dais! People are watching! — OW! What are you doing?" I lifted his head back up.

Tom began to rub the spot where I had hit him on the head. "What the f — "
"What's that in your left ear?" I asked. Tom raised an eyebrow, and moved his hand towards his left ear. As he stuck his finger in his ear, his eyes widened. A smile crossed my face as he began laughing, and pulled out a rolled up King playing card. "What the hell?" He laughed. I began to laugh as I brushed my brown spirally hair out of my face. "How did you do that?"
"A great magician never reveals her — " I began coughing, then I started to hack. Tom's smile faded from his face and was replaced with worry.
"Dais? Are you — ?" I pulled the Ace card out of my mouth, and cleared my throat.
"What was I saying again?" I laughed. Tom started to laugh.
"What the actual hell? That's freaking amazing!" He exclaimed.

I laughed, "Thanks, that's another reason why Dylan thinks I'm trash." Tom's smile was replaced by a frown and furrowing brows. He glared at me and shook his head.
"He does not think you're trash. Daisy Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Rhodes, you are absolutely not trash. Now, your outfit choice — that's trash." Tom laughed.
"How dare you! I got a lot of compliments at school!" I punched him on the arm, then pulled at the end of my red plaid shirt. At the same moment, my phone rang. I gestured to Tom to stay quiet as I pulled it out and clicked the green button. My lips were curled in as I listened into the call.

"Dylan Rhodes," I heard my dad say.
"Dylan," Agent Fuller, Dad's partner said. "You're not going to believe this, but magicians robbed a bank." My eyes went wide, and Tom was trying to ask what was wrong. I slapped his hand away and listened.
Dad's end was silent, but then he asked, "I don't think I heard you correctly, did you say, magicians?"
"Yeah, Dylan." Fuller replied.
"Where are they now?" Dad asked.
"There at Aria, I'm there right now." Fuller answered.
"Alright, I'll see you back soon then." Dad said. Fuller than hung up, having the conversation end.

I turned off my phone and stuffed it back in my pocket as I jumped with laughter.
"What?" Tom asked.
"My dad just got a call saying that magicians robbed a bank! Magicians! Do you know how cool that is?" I asked, giggling. Tom laughed but shook his head. "Come on! We gotta go to Dad's building!" I grabbed Tom's hand and started to run.
"But he's going to ask why we're there, and you can't keep it up with the same excuse." Tom stated.
"He won't care if I used to same excuse. Missing the bus isn't really a big deal." I tell Tom as I drag him around the corner.
"Don't you think he's gonna find out that you hooked up his number to yours so you can listen in on his calls?" Tom asks as he dodges people on the street.
"He's too caught up in his own work to care about what I'm doing." I retorted.
"He'll care that you're listening in his calls." Tom replied.

I groaned as we dodged more people hand-in-hand, "Nobody cares about trash nowadays." I smiled as I heard Tom groan in defeat.
"You are not trash!" He cried, gaining odd looks from people.


Yass the prologue!
So I decided to make this book because the movie was very spectacular and awesome

So yeah 😂 see you next chapter!

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