His mom is a very pretty woman. She has an awesome sense of style, wearing a pretty dress. His father was a nerdy kind of guy wearing a polo shirt with cargo shorts and wearing some black glasses. His sister was a young girl, probably about 7, wearing a yellow dress with flowers printed all over it. I get up and go to the restroom. The door opens right after I go in. James comes in and hugs me from behind and puts his head into my neck giving me a huge hug. My eyes open wide and turn around.

"What are you doing?" I question him.

"I know this is weird to you but I wanted you to know that I care about you a lot. That's why I beat Gabe's ass when I saw him having sex with you." He says "I knew you wouldn't have liked that if you were sober."

"Ohhhhh, I was always curious for why you did that. But why have you been so mad this whole week?" I ask.

"I haven't been mad I've just been-," he hesitates "I've just been upset that he did that to you, that's all." He says

"Okay, I thought you were mad at me." I reply.

"No I would never be mad at you. By the way, don't take any of this as I like you. Because I'm not-" he hesitates again. "I'm not gay, okay? So don't take it that I am."

"I won't." I say with kind of a squint on my face.

"Ok cool, so I don't have plans tonight and I don't want to be bored so do you wanna hang out and stay the night at my house?" He asks.

"Yea that sounds like fun." I reply.

"Awesome!" He says excited.

We walk back out and I go and ask my mom if I can go with him and stay with him because I wasn't that hungry anyway. She Confirmed and I walked over to meet his family. I greeted myself to them and they greeted back. They were a very nice family and I really liked them. James' father is a doctor and his mother is a school teacher. A very well educated family. They were done eating so we went ahead and left.

We get to their beautiful house. Their house was a huge two story house beautifully designed with brick and rock. They had a very nice garden with the most attractive flowers I've seen. His mom must be a green thumb for sure.
The inside was just as grand as the outside.

We walk to his room and I sit on his bed looking at my phone. He walks in behind me and walks to his window.

"It's a really nice day. Do you want to go swimming?" He asks.

"Swimming? Where?" I ask back.

"In my pool of course doofus." He says.

"Oh I didn't know you had a pool, but I don't have anything to swim in." I say disappointed.

"You can borrow some of my shorts, I'll grab you and me some." He insists.

"Ok cool, thank you." I reply.

"No problem." He walks over to his drawer and grabs both of us shorts and he throws me a pair.

I grab them. "Where am I supposed to change?" I giggle. "Right here?"

He laughs "there's a bathroom over there." He points over to a door on a wall in his room.

"Ok I'll be back." I say

I change and come back out. "Alright I'm ready." I say.

"Ok I'm gonna go change now, I'll be back." He says.

He walks into the bathroom and leaves the bathroom door open a little.

I just look at the small crack. I can't help it, I have to go look. I get up and walk over to the crack and I look in to see him taking off his pants. He follows that with taking off his shirt. He has the most perfect abs I've ever seen oh god they were perfectly shaped. He goes to take his underwear off and starts to take them off but he looks in the mirror and he looks in my direction. I jump and run back to his bad and act like I didn't do that. He comes out.

"Ok let's go." He says.

"Ok." I reply.

We walk out to the pool and I put my phone on a table. He smiles at me and does a cannon ball and splashes me.

"Oh you suck!" I say and laugh.

I dive in next to him and accidentally lose my shorts. "Shit!" I cover my parts.

He laughs loud and grabs them and throws them back at me.

"I'm sorry." I say.

He laughs. "It's all good man."

"Ok." I say embarrassed.

We continue to swim for about an hour and then we come back inside and I change in his bathroom. He goes in the bathroom and yells. "Hey I forgot some shorts, can you hand me some?!"

"Yea" I reply and grab some shorts for him and walk back over to the bathroom say "here you go."

He opens the door enough for his arm to fit through I handed the shorts to him and I saw in the mirror from the bathroom, his perfect butt. There was not a blemish on it. It was super white but it was perfect.

"Thanks man." He says.

"No problem." I say.

It's night time so he gets out and we both get into bed and lay down away from each other.

I hear him laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask.

"Oh nothing, I just saw you staring at me change earlier." He laughs.

My face goes red. "I'm really sorry."

"No man it's ok." He says.

"What? I'm surprised you're not pissed." I say.

"Nah I don't have a problem with you looking at me, if it was someone else I would be mad but there's something different about you." He says.

"Oh okay." I reply.

Everything gets quiet and and I'm about to go to sleep until the bed shifts and I feel an arm go around me. He got really close to me, wrapped his arm around me and put his head into my neck. I felt his lips touch my neck for a small kiss. I felt his parts up against mine and you could tell he was happy. I smiled and fell asleep in his arms...

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