My feet move nervous. I want to get out of here now .

"No, everything is perfect. I love this place"

The man drops the pen and settles back on the table. He opens his mouth to say something else but just then the doorbell rings. I sigh of relief when the young secretary enters the room . I feel uncomfortable when they exchange provocative looks, it is clear that there is something between them. She hands him the folder and leaves the room with exaggerated hip movements. I have to struggle not to laugh out loud.

"Here you go, I hope this is enough"

I take it with both hands before I get up and take my bag.

"Thanks for your time, rector "

"Mr. Stinson" he corrects with a smile.

I respond to the gesture and leave the room with speed. I hold too hard the papers I have in hands as I leave the large building quickly. The most difficult thing comes now, nobody knows that I have these documents in my hands. My heart pounds when I finally leave the building and look at all sides to make sure that Harry isn't there. At first glance, there are only a couple of students walking clueless in the area. I embrace the folder hard against my chest and head the vehicle that is a few feet away. I look like a psychotic looking at all sides with every step I take and walking so fast. Thankfully, not many people are in the area or I would be the campus weirdo. With trembling hands, I take the keys from my purse and press the button in it. The car is opened and I enter inside with speed. I still have the folder in one of my hands and sigh when I am in a safe place. I close my eyes and I rest my head back , this is going to kill me one of these days. When I open my eyes to start the car, the folder is supported on the wheel and curiosity wins me. A look can't hurt anyone, right? Besides, maybe many answers of the thousands of questions that I have in my head are in this folder. But, no, I have to get away from this. What he did to Jared may be nothing compared to what he can do to me if i see the papers. My hands are opening the folder even though my head tells me the opposite. I have to learn to take control.

The first page appears the enrolment in the university and I can't help but smile at the picture in the corner. Harry's face is very similar but the gesture has nothing to do. A big smile appears on his face showing those dimples I had only seen once. His green eyes shine brightly and display millions of emotions to the camera. I'm sure the picture is five years old or more, like a boy of sixteen. A small bangs covers his forehead and lovely locks adorn the rest of his hair. I find the photograph so weird but lovely. I turn the page and all the riots Harry had coaused during his less than half a year studying: fights, drinking alcohol on campus ... My eyes open wide when I read the phrase "have sexual relations with a teacher". But despite all that, the reason for expulsion was an attack on one of the campus football coaches as this had found a bag of drugs in Harry's locker. I close the folder and put it on the passenger seat. I'm still shocked by everything I just read, all these facts are horrible and I don't understand how he wasn't expelled earlier. Although drug possession in college property with  having sex with a teacher are the worst. All this has to have an explanation, all these actions seem to indicate that he wanted to be expelled under any concept but why? More questions are forming in my mind but I must go to the garage if I want to leave early from the workshop. I put the keys in the ignition and start the engine to leave the empty parking lot.

In a few minutes, I get to garage of Jared's family and I play the horn so the guy knows I'm here. I see him appear from his uncle's office and hand tells me to enter the car in the garage that I have right in front . Once inside, I grab the folder and I keep it inside my bag. I jump up on the site when Jared hits the glass with his knuckles. I have to calm down before Jared suspectes.

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