Chapter 15

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I watched the whip crack. My Angel's blood flowed, but a smile appeared on her lips. I smirked knowing they won't break her. She was unbreakable. I watched her mother finish and Tori dropped down with an insane look on her face. I saw the evil creeping in her eyes. We had so many days left. They won't break her. They can't. The full moon is in two days. Her frame was strong. I watched her beautiful head turned. "You need to do better than that mother if you want to break my essence." Historia growled and pinned Tori against the wall. Everything happened so fast I can't follow. I struggled in my restraints. Tori let out a yelp in pain as Histria stabbed her in the shoulder.

"Oh my lovely daughter you haven't seen anything yet. Calvin take her to the chambers and crush or break every bone in her body. Make her lose all hope. I want her heart to be broken." There was poison in Historia's voice. Tori looked at me and realized I could be in danger. It's true. If they wanted to hurt her they would hurt me. Tori screamed and fought Calvin to get back to me. I reached out for her desperately.

Tori screamed my name and broke free. She ran and kissed me with passion. She wasn't thinking straight. She was scared. They had already hurt her. Tears ran down her cheeks, "whatever you do Jay. Please don't die. Please" I nodded and kissed her again knowing this may be the last time. My own tears mixed with hers. I promise Tori I'll live for you... "No no no! Jay don't let them take me! Jay help please! JAY! Jay! jay...." Her voice faded as she was dragged and a large metal door slammed. I heard one final thing.

Her scream.

Historia turned to me with an evil laugh on her face. Kyle stepped out all healed with Grace in tow. "How about it my prince. Should we kill the knightling? Or keep him alive for torture?"

Grace looked at Historia and Kyle. "My queen, I say we use the Knight against the bitch. I can help" Grace's smirk made me cringe. I was only rehearing the screams from the woman I loved. Her pain filled scream of agony ripped through my mind and into my heart. They dragged me away to where Kalabar was held. He didn't look good.

His silver eyes looked like colorless clouds full of despair. His arm was gone, the metal one I mean, and his hair was ragged and all over the place. I could see him starving and wheezing. The grayish skin tone showed he was fighting another battle. Sickness was coming over him. I held out my hand and his face turned to me all scarred and bloody. He took my hand and heaved himself up. I had to explain where Tori was. His voice choked up. He blames himself.

We sat for hours it seemed maybe days, I wouldn't know there was no light on this damn island. All we could do was listen to the screamed of Tori as Calvin's wicked laugh boomed after her screams.

Grace came in only for  play. I was tied as her hands roamed my body like it was hers. I shifted uncomfortably and Historia walked in smirking. I bit down making my lips bleed to keep from yelling. If I didn't say anything maybe Tori wouldn't know. This felt so wrong.

"Ok knightling I need you to do something. This won't be easy, but if you want your little queen to live I suggest you do as I instruct. Got it?" I nodded, there was nothing else I could do. "Good boy. Say how you hate her and you two aren't meant to be. I want that girl broken. Shattered. I need her broken got it. Oh if you don't I kill her in front of you. And you will have to watch and listen to her screams knowing it was you who caused her death." I shifted and growled, but compelled to the Nightmare Queen's offer.

They told me I was to tell Tori no and that I was in love with Grace. They would stage an escape. In the hall I would tell her how useless she was in my life. I had to make it real. I had to hurt her in the worst way possible. I was going to tear her to pieces.
I waited till Tori ran out of her cell escaping. I watched her scream my name. I heard nothing. My face stone cold. She pulled at my arms trying to run. I stayed my ground. This was so hard. I watched her drop my hands. "Jay come on. We need to go. We can go. I have Calvin knocked out and I can fly us out if I need too." I stayed silent. My brown eyes black like the demon I was.

I shoved her against the wall watching her scream in agony. I had to keep it together. "Stay away Tori. I hate you. I always did. All your sneaking, and lying. Your no mate or wife to me. They tell their husbands what goes on. You just stay selfish. You're a selfish little bitch without a soul. You're a murder and a failure. How do I know you won't kill me like you did your father huh? No I'm staying." I snapped and pinned her listening to the wall crack.

"Jay I-" she went, but I slammed her hard again and blood came out of her mouth. I think I may have cracked her ribs. "No you listen. I am not yours. Grace is mine. All this time with you was hell. You low life queen. I can't believe you fell for this game. All the times I cheated on you with Grace. I can't believe you thought a guy like me would fall in love with a creature like you. Your like your mother. A snake. A useless piece of shit that I had to carry and here's some news queeny. I'm dropping you off." I saw her heart breaking but clinging on barely. Time to pull out the thing that will crush her. "I made love to you because I only wanted a powerful baby. Who gives a shit about the mother. You never gave that to me after all I asked and begged. Tori you're a slut and deserve to be alone where guys only use you. Your a nothing."

Toris knees gave out. I didn't catch her, no reason too. That really got her. She knew I was always there for her. Nightmares came pouring in, and Historia smirked knowing she had one. Tori was staring at me with her light blue eyes full of loss and hopelessness. I walked away. Tori frantically screamed and grabbed the back of my cape. "Jay I love you." I could hear the truth in her voice. She never meant it more seriously than that. I pulled my yanked my cape harshly from her. My face cold. Fear flickered through my mates eyes.

"I never did." My voice stone cold. I heard her gasp as if she had been cut or hit rock bottom. I walked away as Nightmares carried her back to the cell. She only had one day left till the full moon came. Tonight was her last torturous night.

Kalabar shook his head. He knew what I did. "Historia played you like a stripper. You know that?"

I looked up, "what the hell do you mean by that Kal. I'm not the one on my death bed."

He smirked, "Historia was smart. Of course she wouldn't kill Tori yet. Historia needed Tori to not fight anymore. You made sure of that. Why would Historia kill Tori, when she can have the Pheonix soon. Kid you just hurt your girl for mere sport." I heard him laugh evilly, "been down that road and look where I am now. Jay you just screwed yourself over." My eyes went wide like the world was crashing in. He was right. I had killed my mate by crushing her. I punched the wall making a dent in the brick. The shattered pieces fell. Tori would be dead by nightfall tomorrow all because of me.

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