Chapter 3

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I was tackled by Victoria. I hated the stench that clung to her skin. It wasn't my scent it was his. I felt my balance get thrown off. "H-Hey Victoria. I'm going to fall!" The queen let out a small squeal as we fell. I held her protectively as we rolled down the hill. When we reached the bottom she was resting on top of my body.

There was something different about her. Something Familiar. I knew it. I pulled her down to me and smashed her sweet lips against mine. She didn't pull away. She kissed back. This was my queen. Not the one that was on the island. This was my beautiful Tori. Had her memories came back I didn't know. I just knew that my queen had came back. I gasped for breath. She smiled down at me. My sweet angel had came back. Her smile lit up sparks in my stomach. "Hello Jay" I shivered as my name left her lips. I couldn't speak. I ran my hands down her shoulders and her arms. They were so smooth and perfect. I knew his scent still clung to skin. I had to change that. I went to change it.
Tori stopped me.

"Not now Jay. I have something to tell you and have limited time to tell you." I nodded sadly. I wanted to be with her, but she had something urgent. "In a few days Historia will arrive with a pack of Nightmares. You have to let me go with her. It will destroy the Phoenix once and for all." I knew she was going to destroy herself to destroy the Phoenix. I sat up and she fell into my lap like she has done many times before. "There is a way to prevent further expansion of the infection. In my cave behind the pool is where roses grow. These roses have my blood in their steam. Sophia is the key. She has to put a drop of her blood in the middle of the flower. Extract the pollen from the flower. Use it to make a serem. That is the key to the end of this destruction."

I nodded and pulled her close. Tori had tears in her eyes. I was startled. "Hey hey no tears." She nodded. Tori was hiding something. I didn't know what, but she didn't want me to know. I looked up at her. "Please let me get that foul stench off of you. It is putrid and I can't handle it." Tori smiled. "Can I claim you one last time before you go? Please." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and I pinned her. I had claimed my mate again. This time Kal wasn't going to want to touch her after this unless he wants to lose his other arm.

I had watched Tori leave as Victoria collapsed. I brought her up to the room and laid the Queen on the bed. I had a mission to up held for the Angel. One I needed Sophia in on. That worried me. Sophia wasn't herself. She was distant and distracted as if part of her seemed to disappear. I felt bad. Tori was the only family left and she wasn't here.

I walked into Sophia's room. She looked at me with big brown eyes that looked like she was about to cry. I lowered myself to my knees. She watched me carefully. I opened up my arms to her. She gripped her tattered teddy bear. Tears spilled over as she ran to me. I hugged her. Sophia sobbed on my shoulder. She is only 8. I smoothed her hair. "Shhh Sophie shh. You've been such a strong girl." I murmured comforting words into her ear. Sophia couldn't predict what would happen to Tori. It was hard for her. Sophia looked up at me.

" Uncle Jay I want my aunty back." I hugged her.

"I know sweetie. I spoke with her."

Her head perked up. "Tori she was here! Why didn't she see me?" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"She couldn't Sophie. Tori could only stay for so long. She wanted to trust me. But she needs you to be brave and do something for her. Can you be brave and do it?"

Sophia ran and grabbed her dagger. I smiled. "I will be brave. For Aunty Tori." I ruffled her hair.

I put her on my back and gave Sophia a piggy back ride. Kal stopped us. He looked hard at me. "Why did you throw me out the damn window. It hurt like a bitch." I muttered words an 8 year old shouldn't hear under my breath. "Listen you moved in on my girl and that wasn't acceptable. Now if you excuse me, the little princess and I have a world to save." I tried to step aside.

Kal put out his arm to stop me.

I cursed out loud. I set Sophia down. She knew I meant for her to run. Kal grabbed her arm to keep Sophia from running. "Stay here squirt. I'm about to teach your uncle a few manners in royalty." I growled at him for touching her.

Kal smiled and put out his new arm. It was stainless steel and could move like his old arm that was 'accidently' cut off.

"How many times do I need to slice that arm of yours off to get the point. Tori. Isn't. Yours. She is mine." He rolled his eyes. I grabbed my scythes. He grabbed his sword. I could feel the chill in the air. Sophia shivered. I grumbled.

I closed my eyes. I tried to remember any words of wisdom. I went deep into my mind waiting for Tori to give me advice. I heard her voice behind me. "Jay we control over a certain thing. Kyle has wind. I don't know mine yet, but I know what is there. Kalabar is ice. He is very dangerous. Behind him is a weak spot. His sword weighs him down. You only have a tiny advantage. Be safe." I felt her presence leave. I opened my eyes. Kal looked like he saw a ghost. I bared my fangs and went for the attack.

Kal and I were locked into combat. Women and children screamed as we dueled. I felt my stomach knot but knew I had to concentrate. It was my only option if I wanted to survive and keep what's mine.

Kal slashed my face. The cut healed instantly as I went for a blow to his good arm. He screeched out in pain. I cut his leg, but moved to slowly. I had to get behind him if I wanted to survive. This was for Tori. She needs me to live. I gasped in pain when his icy blade met my chest. A chill went through my body. I couldn't breathe. My body started to freeze. I pulled the blade out. The wounds started to heal. Kal smirked as I dropped in pain. I felt the blood pooling out. It was unpleasant. The hunger was nagging at me. I stood up. My eyes were glazed over. I knew my power.

Water bending.

I used my blood to slash him. Kal's gray eyes darkened. He knew I could kill him just as easy as he could me. I had a reason to live. I saw Tori's apparition showed. She watched as I beat him to a pulp. The wild had gotten me. My body slammed into his as I held the scythe to his neck. Blood was on the corner of his lip. His eyes wild with hate and fear. Kal fought back with everything he got, but it wasn't enough. "Give me one good reason Prince Kalabar Blake why I shouldn't just kill you right here!" I heard a growl go through his body, "Tori" he spat, "she would be devastated if she found out her oldest and bestest friend was dead. You that don't you knight?" I growled. He was right. "Fine. I'll let you live. But you will listen to me and follow my orders. You have no power here."
I let go and grabbed a human.

She shook in fear. "Sorry sweetheart but I need a fill up." Sophia yelled my name. I snapped out of the monster. She was crying. I looked at the blood on the ground. I let the human go. Tori was watching me. It really wasn't her, but it looked so real. She even had tears in her eyes.

I turned away and looked at the 8 year old. "Sorry Sophie, I'm ok now. Let's go." She nodded and slowly got up and walked over to me. "I-I have a blood bag for you uncle Jay." She handed it to me. I smiled, "thanks squirt." Sophia seemed to calm down. My fangs came out as I drank the bag. The blood tastes sweet and smooth as it went down my throat. I gulped it down and smiled.

I heard her voice, "Jay I've made you a monster." My throat tightened. I had become what Tori never wanted me to be. What I sworn I wouldn't become because Kal was like this.

A monster.

Sophia called my name and I went out of my daze. I picked her up and we walked to the cave. I felt her body tense as if she was seeing something. Sophia screamed into my ear. I looked at her she looked up at me. She shook her head. This was not something I was supposed to know. I heard her laugh, "Tori will be back after tomorrow she told me." I smiled and I choked up. In a few days I'd have my mate in my arms once more until Historia will take my baby away.

We walked into the entrance and there were no traps this time. I had gone earlier and made sure. Sophia whimpered. I smiled and walked in. I pulled out my scythes. There was something that I had felt. Sophia ran ahead of me. I chased after her. Sophia ran fast and I caught up to her in a flash thanks to vampire skills. She pushed me away. I didn't know why until I smelled the ocean breeze scent I loved so much. I saw Tori standing at the edge of the pool. My smile disappeared. She was dead. A true angel with white wings and beauty that the dead can have. I dropped my blades. Tori smiled and walked to the back of the cave where her garden was. I looked to see the roses. She picked one up, and smelled it. I felt my heart breaking. My mate was dead. She had to be otherwise this had to be the past. It wasn't she had smiled at Sophia and placed her hand on Sophie's cheek. I felt my heart break. She smiled and pointed to the flowers. I nodded. Tori smiled warmly and I embraced her. "Don't go. I want to marry you still." She smiled and nodded. I felt her presence disappear. My heart broke again when she left. I clung to empty air. Sophia was picking all the flowers. I did the same until the roses were gone. As was my heart.

Without Tori I was nothing.

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