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Miyagi's POV

I was beyond angry at Shinobu. This obviously isn't the only time this has happened. Sure I have my moments when jealousy gets the best of me, but it's ALL THE TIME with him.

I groaned with nothing but stress and annoyance in my mind. 'I need to cool off.' I thought.
I got off my bed and went to the hot springs to take a soak. But while I walked towards it, I saw Takahashi and Usami, sleeping together. They looked so peaceful and so... happy.

'Why can't we be like that, Shinobu?' I thought in some sadness. Although quickly forgetting my thought, I continued walking out the house. I then went to the soothing and relaxing waters.
While stripping down, I set down the towel next to the bath and got in. The thoughts of my relationship between Shinobu and I were still in my head.

'I've had an amazing time with him. And I do love him,' I thought, 'but everytime he pulls a stunt like this, it makes me wonder why I'm with him.'
For the longest time, out of no where, I felt like crying. I had to soak my head in the water just to stop the tears, and I despised it.
How can an annoying brat like that make me so confused over bullshit like this.

'WAIT! Why am I think about this!? This is RELAXING!' I thought in rage hoping to forget about everything.
I didn't.

I sighed out of the emotional tiredness that I've had in the one day. And as soon as I went in, I decided to get out of the bath. 'That was somewhat relaxing.' I thought with sarcasm to myself. 'At least I got time to myself to think.'
I stood up and put the towel around my waist and checked the time on my phone that was in pants.
'11:10am' it read.

I shut it off. I was going to go back to the house, but then something (or someone technically) stopped me from going back. I took a small deep breath as I saw Takahashi walking towards me, looking for relaxation as well.

Misaki's POV
"Oh, hello Yoh-Sensei. Are you getting out right now?" I asked Yoh. I thought it was a tad strange that he was here and not inside his room to have time for himself, but I guess I understood, considering the 'event' that happened earlier. And hot springs can be soothing.

"Oh, no. I was actually just checking my phone and I didn't want to get it wet." Yoh explained while giving a slight chuckle. He then quickly took of his towel and and basically dived in the tub of water.
Looking away, since it's embarrassing to be basically naked with a teacher at your university in the same hot tub, I did the same.
"Ahhhhh..." I sighed while slowly putting my body in the hot water. Closing my eyes, I laid my head back on the stone wall of the tub, Yoh-Sensei being only about 5 feet away from me. "This is relaxing.. don't you think so?" I asked opening my eyes slightly and looking at Yoh's direction.

"Uh.. yeah I suppose it is. But it's kind of hard to relax when all I can think about is about what happened not to long ago.." Yoh replied. I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible on what happened. Looking away with some guilt, I said,
"I'm sorry about what happened, Yoh-Sensei. I didn't know Shinobu would have gotten mad. If I did, I wouldn't have done it."

Yoh looking with slight confusion but still with a straight face said, "Don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong, really." He takes a step closer to me,
"Shinobu has always been like that, and believe me he went out of line this time." Another step. We were now no more than 2 feet away from each other. "It's not your problem to worry about, trust me." He puts his arm on my shoulder, consoling me. Looking at him then quickly looking away, I said,
"Thank you, Yoh-Sensei. But I'm still sorry about what happened."
He sighs with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. "Like I said, it's okay. Let's just drop it, okay?"  I nodded, still not looking at him. I wanted to apologize again but figured he would've gotten even more annoyed, and possibly even I would have as well. So I just nodded. Then we both sat down in the seat near us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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