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Shinobu's POV (the fucker)
"Wow Nowaki!" I opened my eyes, groggily. "What time is it...?" I whispered quietly to myself. I checked my phone and it was about 7:30 am.
"Ugh. How are they up so early?" I smothered my face with my pillow, trying to block out the sound of their voices and trying to go back to sleep. But it didn't work...! And it got 10x worse when I heard, "Do you mind waking everyone up?"
'OH HELL NO' I thought in rage. I shut my eyes tight, begging to go back to sleep and never wake up, only to hear him agree to that. I heard him walk to Miyagi's room and I instantly sat up. 'Why is going to my boyfriend's room first? What if he does something to him in in sleep!? And what if Miyagi LIKES IT AND LET'S IT GO ON!?'

All these thoughts went on and on until I quickly ran to his room. I slammed my hands on the door sides. I glared at him. And he responded with a confused look and a raised eyebrow.
"Good Morning... Shinobu-San." I kept on staring at him. I then said, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" with an aggravated tone. His face was blank. 'Looks like I got this fucker!' I thought.

He opened his mouth then said, "Waking everyone up. Nowaki made breakfast and he wanted me to get them to the table so they could, you know... eat?" I felt my ears getting a little red. I looked across the hall, only to see Nowaki setting up the table with breakfast like Misaki was saying.
My eyebrow twitched with annoyance and embarrassment. I looked back at him and yelled (a little too loud), "Then why do you have your hands on Miyagi when you know of he's my boyfriend!?" My eyes narrowed and I pointed and the lump on the bed. 'I'd like to see himself smooth talk out of this one!' He looked at the bed. Then at me.

"This isn't Miyagi-Sensei." My face felt hotter than lava. I was so embarrassed. Suddenly I heard, "What the hell's going on!?" from the other bed. And I knew it wasn't Usami. 'SHIT! I MESSED UP BAD.'
"Shinobu, Takahashi, what the hell is going on!?" Miyagi yelled. I heard footsteps coming our way. I looked and saw it was Nowaki, with an apron on, and Kamijou who was shirtless. Whatever.
"What's wrong? We heard yelling." Kamijou said. Then Usami woke up. "Geez you guys can't shut the hell up! Why is everyone screaming?" There was silence, then Misaki spoke.
"Well uh... from what I gathered, I think Shinobu thought I was going to make a move on Miyagi-Sensei... When I was just going to wake them up because Nowaki made breakfast for all of us." I could feel everyone's eyes on me. But I just looked at the floor.

'I can't believe this is happening. I should've kept my mouth shut.' I looked at Miyagi, who was more than mad. He looked plain up furious. I decided to play it cool. Just say it was a mistake. It could happen to anyone! "Sorry. My mistake... Well I'm gonna take a quick a shower then I'll eat breakfast." I turned around to leave but I was stopped by Miyagi.
"Shinobu!" His voice sounded as rough as sandpaper. Which obviously wasn't good. "Can everyone leave please? I'm gonna talk with Shinobu for a moment." I mentally screamed. This wasn't going to be pretty. They all left one by one. Nowaki, then Kamijou. Then Misaki. And Usami would have left instantly but he needed to slip in a comment.
"Are you two gonna fight?" I glared at him while Miyagi rolled his eyes in annoyance. I would have done the same but I was just happy that Misaki told him to leave like a mother disciplining her child. "Usagi! Shut up and come eat!" He walked out and then closed the door. Then he began.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!!"

Hiroki's POV
We all sat down around the table, with the two empty seats next to me. There was a silence between all of us, then we heard yelling from across the hall. "Did you really think that one of my students was gonna hit on me, while I was asleep!?" I looked at Misaki who was looking down at his plate full of food. None of us have taken a bite of the breakfast. I'm ashamed to say that we were all listening to their fight.
"How am I supposed to know what he's gonna do!? Or what you're gonna do!? You're always hanging around that slut Kamijou, I was scared you would might hit on him too!" My left eye twitched in account of the name calling towards me. I heard Akihiko laugh because of the name calling. "Shut up Baka-hiko!" I rolled my eyes.

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