"Look this hasn't happened since it was forbidden, we don't know what's happening to her or happening at all, we have to take precautions". Castor explained and I was surprised he would explain after all.

"Just tell me what the hell am I supposed to tell her parents?" I asked him. After being captive for three years I decided to become a police to protect my people from danger they weren't aware of.
He breathed out and looked as if in thought.
"That's for you to figure out". He said and walked me to the door.

I was to frustrated to say something....what would I tell them? Why did I even think of going here in the first place? 
  I was glad to have found Avery but I hated where I had found her...
  "What will you do with her", I asked afraid to hear the answer.

"Honestly I don't know.", Castor's voice was cold.

I looked at him in surprise. They didn't know what to do with her?
'Mhh interesting they don't even know.'  Which made me worry even more.

Suddenly I felt my heart ache and someone pushed me to the wall. I felt something around my waist and then I smelled her.


Automatically I embraced her and buried my head in her shoulder.
It was torturous living apart from her. Even though I was a human, the connection was strong.


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She pulled away and took my face in her hands.

"I'm so happy to see you!", she exclaimed. Her black eyes flickered.

"Me too" I whispered.

"What are you doing here? I sensed that you were in vampire territory. "

I swallowed. I didn't know if she was supposed to know I shot a quick glance at Castor and I saw his face was furrowed.

"I just came to talk some business with Sir Castor".

"Oh I thought you wanted to leave this world behind" she said looking at me sincerely.

"It doesn't matter" I grabbed her hand and we went out to my car. "Come with me tonight" I begged her.

She smiled mischievously.  "You don't need to say that twice."

Castor stood at the door with an unreadable expression. 
"Don't come again" he said and with that he closed the door behind him.

Seline was already in the car and I was glad she didn't hear that but then again she might had.

Avery's POV

I stared at the spot where Officer Gabe had been. I couldn't believe that he'd leave just like that.  It scared me and a knot had formed in my already sick stomach. 

He had just left me here. I couldn't believe it

And what bothered me most was that he knew what these people were.  

How? Do more people know? 

How did he even know I was here?

A sudden wave of stronger pain hit me in my stomach, it reminded me that I hadn't eaten for so long.
I felt so weak. And my water was nearly gone.

In the next instant Sir Castor stood in front of my door. In his hands was a tray of what looked like food and another bottle of water.
He unlocked the door and came in.

I was still in the same spot on the floor in front of the door. I hadn't moved.

Sir Castor handed me the tray and with a shaking hand I took it.
It was some kind of soup. A little disappointed to not get stronger food I reminded myself that if I would eat strong food I would just get sicker. 

I glanced at him and he nodded at the tray of soup.

I was about to ask for a spoon when his large hand appeared in front of me holding one;opening the tray and I felt water gather in my mouth it had a heavenly smell.

I dug in and shoveled the food in my mouth. I didn't care that I had an elegant vampire beside me.

 All that mattered right now was my soup and that it came inside my mouth. I was surprised that it was really tasty.
Sir Castor stood there watching me motionless. When I was done I murmured a soft thank you.

He was about to leave when I whispered "May I use the bathroom?" I was happy I had thought of it in the last moment.

He turned around " How did you do it till now" his deep voice rang loud in the stone dungeon.

"I......uh..." I stammered.
He scoffed and said "Follow me."

Instantly my mind formed thoughts about escaping. 

"Don't try to run" he warmed me.

'Does he read minds?'

"Yes I do" he said and I gasped.

"Then you must know that it's true that I don't know who bit me" I said quietly.
The lack of liquid in my throat from before had made me hoarse and It was difficult for me to talk.
I sounded lifeless.

"Oh I know that" he chuckled darkly " that doesn't mean I can't find out."

" What is the bite doing to me?" I asked him one of my many questions.

Without saying a word he opened a door along the hall, it was a bathroom. He had made sure to blindfold me first before leading me out of the dungeon.
  When I came out Sir Castor was still standing at the same spot. I stood there looking at him not moving an inch.

I was amazed by his eyes they were black and capturing.

'Stop it, he tortured you, his eyes are not nice.'

Castors lips lifted every so slightly in a smile but it was gone before it really had been there.

'Gosh girl he can read your mind.'

I sucked in my breath at my own thoughts, he was able to read my mind and here I was thinking his eyes were nice.

Ashamed I bent my head and walked the way we had come.

Suddenly I felt arms around my chest and air swished past my face.
When I opened my eyes I found myself in my cell again.

What? Since when did I think of it as my cell?

I turned around to see Sir Castor turning the key to lock the bars in place.

And like that he was gone.

Wondering about what had happened, realization dawned upon me.

He must have used his vampire speed to bring me back. My skin tingled where he had touched me.
A cold shiver ran down my spine.



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