1. Morning Boat

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Clarke loves waking up Lexa

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Clarke loves waking up Lexa. She always does and Lexa is okay with it.

"Good morning, Clarke." Lexa says sleepily as she rubs her eyes to see.
Clarke is standing over her with a tray of breakfast.

"You brought me food, how lov-" before Lexa could finish her sentence, Clarke shoves a croissant in her mouth. Clarke giggles and says, "SORRY, its just that you're going to go on a long speech about how happy you are and how much you love me, which I love, but I really need to shower, so tell me afterwards!"

Before Lexa could say anything, Clarke rushes to the bathroom. Lexa notices something is weird, she isn't sure why Clarke is in such a hurry. She eats her pancakes and croissant, and drinks all of her orange juice.

20 minutes later, Clarke finally hops out of the shower. Lexa is all dressed up in a black blazer and black jeans. "Are you going somewhere?" Clarke asks. Lexa smirks and says, "We are going somewhere but its a surprise."
Clarke frowns. "Lexa, I was going to take you somewhere today as a surprise..." Lexa's eyes widen. She loves being spontaneous and surprises are one of her most favorite things.

"Okay, today is your day, tomorrow is mine." Lexa squeals. She is really excited.
Clarke opens a drawer and holds out a blindfold. "Wear this, when we get there you can take it off!" Lexa quickly grabs the blindfold.

Clarke rummages through her drawers to find something to wear. She picks out a white blazer, a green shirt, and black pants. She grabs her white flats and calls it a go. Her and Lexa coincidentally both decided for a no makeup day, and they both thought of each other as beautiful no matter what.

Clarke grabs both of Lexa's hands and leads her to the door. She walks her to the car and helps her in.

"How long is the drive?" Lexa asks.
"Half an hour I think." Clarke replies.

40 minutes later.

"Lexa we're here!" Clarke exclaims.
"FINALLY" Lexa shouts.

Lexa pulls her blindfold upwards. She notices they're near a deck, and there are a bunch of fancy boats.

"We're going on a fancy boat ride!" Clarke whispers.
"OH MY GOSH" Lexa screams.

Clarke knows how much Lexa loves nice sceneries for her photography. She also brought her for a nice romantic date. Fancy drinks and fancy food.

Lexa exits the car and looks around with a giant smile on her face. She runs around to Clarke and hugs her. "I love this place." Lexa says, although its her first time being there. Clarke steals a kiss and says, "Let's have some fun."

Clarke rented the prettiest boat. They found a stranger to ask to take a picture of them. The stranger kindly did.

"Thank you so much!" Lexa exclaimed

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"Thank you so much!" Lexa exclaimed.
Clarke was really enjoying Lexa's joy. It makes her heart melt.

"Well, it's time to set sail." The dude who's probably the captain said.

Clarke and Lexa walk to the edge of the boat. They imitate the titanic scene, Lexa is Rose and Clarke is Jack.

Afterwards, they drink some champagne. Lexa decides to discuss her ideas about her photography with Clarke.

After an hour of Lexa taking so many pictures and Clarke gladly watching, they decide to leave.

When they get home, Clarke goes through all of the pictures Lexa took. She then realized she took only a few pictures of the boat, water, and sky.

"Lexa, how come you didn't take that many pictures?" Clarke asks.

"I did, keep looking!" Lexa says.

As she scrolls through she realizes Lexa took a lot of pictures.... of her.

"You were the prettiest scene there." Lexa says.

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