Chapter Two: Demon's Confession

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Because of the wonderful and unexpected positivity that is coming this way, I thought I would post this little diddy as a thank you.

Also, I should probably mention that unless otherwise stated all the chapters will be in Liam's perspective. Saying that in the beginning would definitely make it easier but oh well.


As a demon, it is universally impossible for me or someone like me to experience something so coveted like Heaven. However, that law is broken the minute I lay eyes on this beauty. He probably could be an angel from above, I think. He is that gorgeous. I scan my eyes over his entire body and I try to memorize every detail. Soft blonde hair that cascades down and stops just before his eyebrows. Vibrant blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Pale porcelain skin dusted with a rosy yet subtle blush coating his cheeks. A cream cable knit sweater that is too big for him, blue skinny jeans and white shoes. I am taken aback. Yes, I think, he definitely could be an angel. Is it physically possible for someone to be this cute and gorgeous? Where has he been this entire time? He must be new to this parish; otherwise, I would have definitely noticed and added another reason to go to morning mass.

His blush becomes more red when he notices that he has my sole attention and I start to feel a little heat rise in my face. Damn, how long have I been standing and staring?

"Ummm, you can sit now," he says with amusement dancing in his eyes. Ah, well this is officially awkward.

"Well," I start, but I am at a loss of words. Today is the day of firsts because I have never been rendered speechless. Then again, I never met anyone as angelic and beautiful as the blonde in front of me. The boy looks at me expectantly, biting his lip to force back a giggle I presume. Before I can formulate a slightly clever sentence, the organ starts to play and everyone stands. The choir in the pews above the congregation starts to sing the Alleluia. Blondie immediately turns to face me and gives the cutest shrug I've ever seen. So there I am standing outside of the pew staring at the angel sway and sing along with the choir. Thankfully the song doesn't last that much longer because the choir and organ end their final harmonies, leaving the church with a silent but holy echo.

Everyone takes their seats, but the blonde beauty taps the man, who I assume is his father, to his right and whispers something in his ear. The man turns his head and meets my eyes. For the second time today, I am frozen in place. There is something about this man's eyes that scream and demand power and authority. Before I can deduce where these thoughts are coming from, I see the blonde scoot to the right, patting the spot he was just in with a wide smile. Instantly, my heart warms and I sit. He immediately turns to me and puts out his hand.

"I'm Niall," he whispers.

Once again, I am rendered speechless. Niall. That suits him very well. Somehow, I manage to grab his much smaller hand in my bigger one and give it a firm shake.

"Liam. Liam Payne."


Everyone is exiting the church, waiting to greet friends and family and eat breakfast together outside but I am glued to my seat in the pew. Why? Because I'm thinking. For the first time, I did not listen to the sermon. It was physically impossible when there was a beautiful distraction named Niall sitting inches away from me. It also didn't help that said beautiful distraction tried to innocently help me multiple times throughout the mass. He nudged my knee when it was time to stand for the Gospel reading. I thought I gathered my wits together after that point, but no. During the preparation of the gifts and offering, he tapped my shoulder with a delicate finger to tell me that the usher had been standing at the pew for five minutes. He even let out a little giggle when I didn't stand and follow for communion.

"It must've been a long night, huh?" he giggled out when we sat back down. I could only respond with a shrug and silent chuckle. Oh if only he knew that my night - which consisted of the worst sin possible - had nothing to do with my reactions.

After rerunning my stupid moments with Niall a few more times through my head, I slowly get out of my seat and walk towards the center aisle. Taking a few long strides, I make it to the steps before the tabernacle and look up at the intricate craftsmanship of the golden jeweled box that holds one of Christianity's sacred symbols. Lifting my gaze a little above the tabernacle, there is the spectacle of the crucifix.

I smirk. I guess the crucifix is another reason why I enjoy coming to church. The concept that a person died for everyone's sins and yet those same people enter a sanctuary that simultaneously praises the weak and oppressed and worships the antithesis of Jesus's ideas: self-anguish, suffering and hatred. Oh how ironic is it that people come to cleanse their souls but leave more darkened?

But then again, I think back to Niall. Someone as innocent as him is completely incapable of committing any sort of sin, no matter how minuscule. So why is someone whose purity literally radiates off of their being coming to such a hypocritical institution? It must be his father who drags him along. That man held such a cold raw energy that was the opposite of the brightness that his son carried. But Niall seems like the type of person who genuinely and thoroughly enjoys the mass. That is when I notice something: this mass is the first time I've seen Niall because surely I would remember meeting someone as beautiful as him. With that thought, the gears in my head return to trying to decipher this situation. Why is someone like me, the worst of all sins, special enough to be graced with an angel's presence?

I look up at the crucifix and stare at the expression of sadness and penance captured perfectly on "the Lord's" face. If I remember correctly during one of the sermons, the priest said that no matter what obstacle one might face, God always has a plan to give a helping hand. I begin to wonder, does this apply to me and my kind, too? For some strange reason, I can't shake off a tiny feeling that meeting Niall wasn't a coincidence.

"I don't know if your Divine Intervention applies to me, too," I smirk, "but if it does, I like where you seem to be taking me."

Turning to the right, I walk out of the church in search of my father, leaving my one-sided conversation with the forlorn yet forgiving man hanging in the air.


This is a little shorter and I'm sorry for that. I feel terrible too because this one church scene will be extended for a little while, but do not fret. Something will happen. Thank you so much for taking your time and reading!

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