The Comer and Goer

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It's so obvious that Andy is falling for Avery. All I have to do is to make them see that they are meant for each other. Avery is over at the bar. She is flirting with the bartender. She is wearing black ripped short-shorts, a hot pair of knee-high boots (with torn fish-net tights with under wear straps), a fish-net shirt, and a milky gray colored tank. She had a tiny top hat head band in her hair and Andy was SO digging it. Everytime she bent over he would smile and bury himself in his thoughts. She pulled out her phone and programed the bartender's number into it, typing fast. I went over and said "Hey Avery, Jake wants to show you something". She nodded and walked over to the other side of the bar where Jinxx, Jake, Andy, and CC were standing. I sat down and said "Hey man!" trying to high five the bartender. "Get away from me faggot.' he said shaking his head. "Avery is my little sister. And she is JUST like me." I said smiling. He gagged and said "Forget her". I smiled and returned back to my fellow band members. All I have to do is let it unfold.


Ivy came over and said "Hey Jake, what do you want to show me? Ash said you had something". Jake grinned and said "Okay". "No!" I said a little over excitedly. I grabbed Avery around the waist and pulled her onto my lap. She smiled and shook her head. Her black lipstick glinted in the light when she shook her head. Suddenly CC knocked his beer onto Avery's lap. She stood up to look at her shorts "It's okay CC, I'll get it off." she said walking to the bathroom.  I got up and followed her to help get it off. "Hey, didn't expect to find you in here." she said wiping her legs off. I smiled and shook my head "You all right?" I asked her. She giggled and said "Yeah Andy, I'm fine". "Ugh, but I'm going to smell like beer all night." she grumbled still holding her smile. I grabbed a paper towel and bent over to help her. She inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. Smiling I threw it away and she said "All gone?". Bending back over I inspected her "basement" area and said "All good!". I began walking for the door when she grabbed my arm and said " Andy...I need to tell you something". I turned around and looked her deep in the eyes. "Well....It would actually be easier to show you..." her voice trailed off. My left eyebrow raised and she got up on her tippy-toes and kissed me. It wasn't any other kiss that i got from fans. It was a lusty, passionate kiss. Her lips slipped from mine and she had a new look in her eyes. A "I-want-you" kind of look. Smiling I picked her up and held her up to kiss her again. This time I kissed her just as lusty as she did which surprised her. I pulled away when I heard the door open. It was Ashley. She unwrapped her legs from around my waist and I let her down. "Hahahah!" Ashley said closing the door and running back to the table. I laughed and opened the door to walk back to the table following closely to Ashley. Ashley shot a wink at everyone right before we reached the table. "Ohhh Andyyy!" they chanted in chourus trying to mimic what they thought that she said to me in the bathroom. She blushed and looked at her feet. I sat down and sat her down against my lap and we shared a beer or two. After we had gotten drunk enough we decided to stumble back to the bus. When we got there we sat down on the floor and jake suggested Truth-or-Dare. "Okay..." Ashley said looking around the small circle. "Avery.......give Andy a lap dance!" he exclaimed. "Okay!' she said without stumbling but getting up. She got up and threw me on our bunk that we had begun to share. She pulled off her top and Ashley screamed "BOOBIES!". She laughed and Ashley and CC fell over, passed out. Jake watched us intently as Avery grinded over me. If anything that REALLY got my motor running. Jake got up, laughed and fell over onto the passed out bodies of CC and Ashley. I got up and grabbed Avery and flung her onto the bed. Shocked she stared at me. I crushed my mouth against hers and laid down on top of her. We laid there making out for about half an hour until she passed out and shortly after I did the same.

~~~~~~~~~~~Morning Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I woke up with out a top on top of Andy's chest. For some reason Ashley-the-pervert was leaning over top of us awaiting for us to wake up. When my thick lashes opened Ashley smiled extra-brightly and asked "How did YOUR night go?". I got up off of the bed nearly falling over because of my pounding head. I looked down to see my chest completely bare. I walked over to my suitcase looking for something to wear. I selected my CT Knee-highs and slid them on over my elecetric purple thrashed pants. I put on a fancy bra underneath the black vest I had on, letting the front go unbuttoned. Hey these guys had already seen my boobs once, it won't hurt them a second time. I walked out of the back room and into the front room where andy was just now waking up. He glanced over at my is eyes growing wide. Then he fell back dramtically onto the small bunk. Ashley (already used to the slutty way I dressed) nodded and said jokingly "Nice outfit you slut". Andy got up wide awake now and looked at me again and he smiled. He got up still holding his head and sat down on the couch. I sat down beside him and kissed his neck. He let out a small moan and I said "Morning Andy!". Ashley eyed us susiciously and asked "Are you two going out?". Andy looked over at me then back at Ashley and said "Well....I don't know". "Do you want to?" he asked me. My eyes grew wide and I said "Sure". Andy smiled in a agreeing sort of way. "Guess we are!" he said with his face tattoo growing bigger. I smiled and hugged him. He leaned over and kissed my neck and whispered into my ear "Want to go for a little walk?". I nodded and opened the door to the bus. I stepped out into the night. Well it's either night or it's really early. Andy stepped out with me and smiled. We began walking down a dirt path that led out by a lake. "It looks like something bothering you." he said not beading around the bush. "Well.....Kind of. Remember last night at the bar?" I asked him. "Yeah." he said nodding. "That bartender was nice. And last night he told me that he loved me. He sent me a text when we were walking back. He asked me out. And I said yes. I had completely forgotten about it until this morning. I'm sorry". I finished with a tear running down my cheek. He laughed and said "It's all right. Stay with him". "Okay." I said with hints of guilt in my voice. He said "We should start getting back to the bus". He turned around and stayed with me even when I was walking slow and I could tell that he wanted me to go faster. We arrived back at the bus and the air was alive and bursting with excitement. On the way back we had decided that we would act like we were having a little bit of a fight. I walked in and peeled off my vest because it was hot in the bus. Everyone laughed at me. I remembered that all I was wearing was a bra and tried to cover myself up. "It's all right. Don't try to cover yourself up!" Ash said laughing until he fell on the ground. I walked into the back of the bus to lie down on Andy and I's bed. I had to tell them. Everyone.


I told them and they were all a bit confused but okay with it. Ashley whined a bit but he got over it. Andy and I went on another walk. My phone began ringing with an "Asking Alexandrea" ring tone. I took out my phone and saw that the called was my bartender (who's name is Alex). We stopped on a bridge and I gave Andy the "1 sec" sign and walked over to the other side of the bridge. I looked over the bridge and answered it. "Ello!" I answered into the phone with an annoying accent. "Hey." Alex said back. "What's up-" he cut me off. "Look, your brother is a faggot. And i can't stand it. We had a good 5 days. Just gotta cut you off babe." he said. Tears streamed down my face. I really did like Alex....A LOT. He ended the call and I dropped my phone. Andy turned around just as my phone hit the wooden bridge. He picked it up and gave it back to me asking "What wrong Averybear?" (we had nicknames for each other. He was Andybear!). "Nothing" I said turning around hiding my tears from him. "If I jumped off of this bridge right now do you think anyone would care?" I asked him. "What!?!?! EVERYONE WOULD MISS YOU! Ashley, CC, Jake, Jinxx, and mostly I would care!" he said with a tear sliding down his right cheek. I turned around and cried into his shoulder. He held me as one or two tears fell into my hair from him. "I love you." he whispered into my ear. Looking up shocked I stuttered "What?". "I love you Avery." he repeated. "I love you too Andy." I whispered back. We wiped our tears away and began to walk back to the bus. "What the hell?!" I exclaimed as he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder back to the bus. He opened the door right as my skirt was flying up. "YAY!" Ashley shouted. "You're back together!" he shouted. Everyone cheered around the bus as Andy threw me on the couch and sat down beside me.


Authors note:     8D

Pictures of cast members on da side ---------------------------------------------------------------->

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