Interview with @harrys_bum

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What is your wattpad name?

How long have you been apart of wattpad?
Since November 2012 I think, but I deleted my old account.

Have you ever written in Omnipresent/Omniscient point of view?
No because I like for my readers to feel like they are the main character. If you're writing in an omnipresent point of view than you already know what's going on most of the time and it takes away the surprise and suspense.

How many stories have you finished on wattpad?
About 3, but I deleted them all because they were terrible hahaha.

How many stories are left incomplete on wattpad written by you?                                                    About 5. I always have so many ideas but never finish them.

What is your favourite kind of book to write? (genre)                                                                           Paranormal Almost all of my books are.

What inspires you to write?
I'm not really sure how to explain it. I guess it's just something I really like to do and enjoy. It's a way to put down these stories you have in your head and share them with others.

How did you come up with your user name?
I love the word bum and Niall is my favorite but nialls_bum was already taken so I just came up with harrys_bum. :D

How old are you?
13.. but I wish I was older because people underestimate me when I tell them my age.

What is your favourite colour?
Gray and blue! I just love both those colors so much, I can't choose between them.

Favourite Author?(Can be off or on wattpad)
Well.. my favorite author actually goes under the username "Anonymous" when she/he publishes her/his books. But I've read her/his book called Letting Ana Go about a girl with anorexia. It's my favorite. I guess my favorite wattpad author is NikolinaDrum. Not just because she's a close friend of mine but because her stories are amazing!

What was your favourite school year you've done so far?
I haven't really had my favorite school year yet. School has always been pretty rough for me.

What do you wish to do in the future?
Become a publisher and also maybe write my own book.

If you see College or University in your future, what do you plan on studying?
I'm not sure. Maybe English Literature. I still have a lot of time to decide.

How many times have you dyed your hair in your life time?
Never. My mom won't let me, but we've talked and I might dye my hair red. Not Ariana Grande red or ginger red, but maybe strawberry blonde.

Why is the sky blue?
Because it is hahaha.

Did you know Bill Nye was on 'Dancing with the stars?
OMFG yes! Hahaha. I was freaking out, I still haven't seen his performance but I heard it was terrible.

If you could be a kind of bird, what would it be?
Blue Jay. They're just so chubby and cute :D

What is physics?
The study of matter and energy. Are we talking about science? lol

If one of your friends stuck their tongue out at you, what would you do?
Rip out their tongue and eat it.

What languages do you speak?
I'm starting my second year of French :D I love it so much. So I can speak English and French and a bit of Spanish.

Are you a goofy goober?

What makes you beautiful?
When I flip my hair and smile at the ground. (I didn't know what else to say haha)

How many Spongebobs does it take to feed Gary?
69. ;) hahaha

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