Interview with @DeAdlySyns

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What is your wattpad name?


How long have you been apart of wattpad?

Since November 29, 2012

Have you ever written in Omnipresent/Omniscient point of view?


If answer above was yes, was it easy or hard for you?


How many stories have you finished on wattpad?


How many stories are left incomplete on wattpad written by you?

Eighteen, but they are all unpublished so far.

What is your favourite kind of book to write? (genre)

Fan Fiction

What inspires you to write?


How did you come up with your user name?

It was inspired by Synyster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold.

How old are you?


What is your favourite colour?


Favourite Author?(Can be off or on wattpad)

John Green or Rick Riordan.

What was your favourite school year you've done so far?

This current one (My ninth year)

What do you wish to do in the future?

Be a tattoo artist/body piercer

If you see College or University in your future, what do you plan on studying?


How many times have you dyed your hair in your life time?

Three or four.

Why is the sky blue?

It isn't. The sky doesn't actually exist. If you think it does you should report to the Sheriff's Secret Police for re-education.

Did you know Bill Nye was on 'Dancing with the stars?


If you could be a kind of bird, what would it be?

A parrot because reasons.

What is physics?


If one of your friends stuck their tongue out at you, what would you do?

Stick my tongue out at them.

What languages do you speak?

English though someday I hope to learn Korean. I also have plans to learn sign language.

Are you a goofy goober?


What makes you beautiful?


How many Spongebobs does it take to feed Gary?


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