It was a lot later when he woke, the sun having set already. He glanced around the room excitedly, searching for a certain blond-haired Angel. He didn't find him though. There wasn't even a sign that he'd returned to the room at all.

Ashton was annoyed. This was all Ryan's fault. If he hadn't had that stupid dinner, Ashton would have his best friend laying right beside him in bed. Instead, he's alone, with nothing to do. Granted, he had options, he just didn't think they were the best. However, he refused to go to sleep again. He wasn't the least bit tired. So, he did the only thing that made sense in his situation; he walked over to his best friend's back pack and took out his laptop and charger (just in case it was dead), and scanned through his history until he found what it was he was looking for: gay porn.

Not only was he a bit horny, but he was also curious in what type of gay porn interested his best friend. Did he have a thing for daddies? Twinks? Bears? Straight lads? Thugs? He, for some reason, was extremely curious.

He clicked on the first link and waited for the video to load. The actors appeared young, at least college boys. It didn't really interest Ashton though. The curly-haired boy wasn't a fan of hazing in porn, or at all really. He closed the tab and clicked on the next link and waited for it to load. It started with two guys screwing each other. He closed that tab as well. He was never one for porn that started mid sex. It just wasn't him. He repeated the process of opening links and then closing them after watching the beginning of the video. He was a very picky person when it came to porn, and his best friend's pornographic endeavours didn't interest him all too much, not until he came unto the link at the top of the history. It was a BrokeStraightBoys video with a bisexual guy and a very attractive "straight" guy that had been in many of these little videos. He skipped passed them talking and laughing over things that didn't interest him. He didn't care about their age (they looked old enough), and their sexualities were none of his business, as long as they were having sex, he was fine.

The two guys stripped out of everything but their briefs, causing Ashton to relax a little and let loose a little. The one on the left had a pretty well structured face, and he was cute in Ashton opinion, but not nearly as hot as the guy on the right...err Logan. His stomach was flat and undefined, but he was pure beauty.

Ashton turned the volume up on Luke's laptop and felt his member twitch as the two guys kissed. It didn't last too long, but it was really sexy. It made him think of Luke, the possibility of having to kiss Luke for the sake of his secret. The thought almost instantly freaked him out, the thought of kissing his best friend almost too much.

When he snapped back into reality, the room door clicked shut and a happy Luke walked into the room undressing himself. By the time he'd made it to his bed, his shirt was off and his pants had fallen to his feet. Like the beautiful guy in the video, he didn't have any abs, but his face probably made up for that when he was talking to girls.

"Uh. Why do you have my laptop?" Luke questioned as Ashton slowly muted the volume as things were starting to get more aggressive and he didn't want Luke to hear any moaning through his earphones.

"Where have you been?" He responded, closing the private tabs. "I've been waiting for you all day." Luke shuffled over and belly flopped into the bed, laying his head on Ashton's chest to sneak a glance at the computer screen, but by the time he made it, Ashton had signed into Netflix and clicked on the first thing he saw.

"I was walking around the city with your family for a while after dinner."

"So you neglected me for my snot-nosed brother and creepy uncles?" Ashton's tone held a bit of accusation, showing that he cared a lot more than he wanted to let out.

"Yes? No. Maybe." Luke fumbled. He didn't know how to answer the question honestly by not sounding like he stood up his best friend.

"Great. Just perfect" Ashton said, raising from the bed and walking towards the bathroom. "I'm gonna go for a shower."

"What? Wait. I was about to do that." Luke protested, but to no avail. Ashton was upset, and when he was upset, there was no reasoning with him.

"Then feel free to join me." He sighed, rolling his eyes as he made his way to the bathroom.

"W-wait... are you serious?"


The room echoed from the force of a slammed door, and Luke was left alone.


(I'm a fake, I know)

This chapter was written by _OnceUponTheEnd, and edited by me, as will the rest of them be (was that proper English?).

My new account is @Misxngo for anyone interested. I won't be writing any fandom things there other than 1 Calum story if I get the balls to do it. But for the most part, just regular girlxgirl and girlxboy. Maybe boyxboy sometime.

See y'all next time.

Gay Porn // LashtonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz