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"OWEN!" I squealed, sprinting from the bedroom.

"What is it?! Is everything alright?! Is it the baby??" He shouted back as I ran outside into the heat where he was sitting.

"I've grown out of these shorts!" I said triumphantly, waving them in the air. I was actually pretty gutted as they were one of my favourite pairs, but it meant baby Grady was growing and that thrilled me.

"Jesus Christ you scared me! Don't ever do that again! But... Congratulations I guess!" He chuckled, kissing my cheek as I leant down to him, "I always did love you in those though." He pouted.

"I know, but I'll fit back into them after I guess." I said, flopping into the chair opposite him.

"When are we going to announce it?" Owen asked and I had been thinking about that for a while.

"I say we head down to the beach tonight and tell Barry and Claire." I said, seems as they were our closest friends. Claire still believed I wasn't pregnant and Barry probably had no idea, so it would be fun to tell them and see their reactions.

"Then there's going to visit my mom." Owen said.

"I'm super excited." I half lied. I was also super nervous. I was meeting my boyfriends mother for the first time and I was also knocked up by him. What could go wrong?

"The boat tickets are booked for Friday after work and then we come home Sunday afternoon, sound good?" Owen said and I nodded.

"Sounds perfect. Now I'm going to get my pyjama pants off, find some shorts that fit, go to breakfast and tell Claire about tonight. Then we really need to get to the paddock." I said, pulling him up.

"I'm starving too, I'm coming." He said, "and oh my god, I just thought! The girls are going to be jealous when the baby arrives."

"Jeez, I hadn't thought of that." I said.

"But let's go!" Owen said.

After finally finding some loose fitting shorts, Owen and I went to breakfast and convincing Claire to meet that night was harder than I thought.

"But I don't see why. What's going on?" She asked suspiciously.

"Can we not just go out with our friends?" I reasoned.

"Well if you really want to I guess." She eventually gave in and I shot a triumphant look at Owen.

"I'll get the pizza." Barry suggested.

"See, Barry is up for it." I said pointedly to Claire.

"I agreed didn't I?! It's just a bit random." She said. I ignored her comment and carried on eating.

"God you're hungry for waffles and bacon today." She commented as I started on my third waffle. All I had been craving was waffles and bacon with lots of syrup and I wasn't going to hold back.

"I know right." I said casually not giving too much away, causing Owen to snicker, "I better get to work."

"Me too." Barry said, and with that we both got up. Claire was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"When are those phantom pregnancy symptoms going to wear off?" She asked making my heart thud.

"The doctor said a few weeks." I lied and she nodded.

"Bye..." I called over my shoulder, lacing my hand in Owen's.

"I feel bad lying to them." Owen said.

"I know, me too. But it's only for a little while longer." I replied.

It was my first day back at work since finding out I was pregnant. Claire had insisted I take a few days off after I told her about the doctors visit and now I was back and the raptors were unsettled.

"Blue! Stop it! Jesus what is with you girls today?!" Owen snapped. I sighed and scribbled absently on my clipboard, admiring the way his jeans hung tightly on his ass, licking my lips. He had small beads of sweat on his forehead and he had rolled the sleeves of his shirt up so they clung tightly to his biceps.

"I just don't get it man." Barry groaned.

"Me neither. Alright, let's take a break." Owen grumbled and I led the way into my office. After Owen came in, I slammed the door and locked it quickly and attached my lips to his and he froze, a little surprised but took me by the hips and pulled me against him. We furiously made out and I began taking his shirt off.

"Jesus what has gotten into you?" He chuckled as I unbuckled his belt and he was undoing the button on my shorts.

"Hormones." I moaned before we finished what we started.

"Where is Barry?" I sighed, sitting on the blanket in Owen's arms. We had sent him to get the pizza but he was really taking his time.

"God knows, but I'm starving." Claire groaned, kicking some sand with her feet. The sun was just going down over the ocean and we were sitting on a blanket half way down the beach. The little lamps InGen put on the beach were just coming on, making a beautiful atmosphere. It was still very hot with a nice breeze from the ocean and Claire and I were just in shirts and shorts.

"Hey, there he is!" Owen suddenly said, waving at him, but he was carrying four pizza boxes and struggling so he obviously couldn't wave back.

He handed out the pizzas we had asked for and then we began eating, but Claire had other ideas.

"So, Rose, please tell us the real reason why you brought us here." Claire said with a mouthful of pizza, still managing to raise her eyebrow at me.

"Fine." I said, "I'm pregnant." I said, carrying on eating my pizza.

"Wait... WHAT?!" Claire squealed, throwing her slice of pizza back in the box and flinging her arms around me.

"Whoa, congrats guys!" Barry smiled and his smile suddenly dropped, "shit, you're the dad right Owen?!" Claire pulled away from me and smacked him and I giggled. Owen didn't find it too funny.

"Yes, he is. We're so excited." I explained.

"But... But I don't understand?! The doctor said it was phantom?!" Claire stammered.

"That's what you thought." I smirked, "she thought that initially, but it turns out I had a dodgy test, and I am in fact pregnant." Owen and I laughed as Claire's jaw fell to the ground.

"How far along are you then?!" She asked.

"I'm nearly twelve weeks, and I'm just about showing." I explained, lifting my shirt up and Claire's eyes actually filled with tears at my little swollen belly.

"I am so happy for you guys!" she said, hugging me again and hugging Owen. Barry hugged me and then bro-hugged Owen.

"When is it due?" Barry asked.

"We're not entirely sure yet as we have to see a proper consultant as we only saw the emergency doctor. We're travelling to the mainland on Friday so we have an appointment booked then." Owen explained.

"This is so exciting! I'm going to be an aunt!" Claire gushed, returning back to her pizza.

"I thought you two were making another baby earlier." Barry muttered, referring to earlier at work. I giggled and Owen winked at me.

"Well, we'll have to look at rules about sex in the workplace." Claire teased as she was technically all our bosses.

"Well you and Barry are screwed." Owen said, causing us all to laugh.

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