Where am I?

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P.O.V: Ava Hunter

I wake up to see a bright white chandelier shining right in on of my face, "Where in the world am I? I look down to see the denim shorts and baggy t- shirt I was wearing this morning is now a sparkly yellow dress. "Why am I wearing this?" I get off the incredibly soft bed I was sleeping on, regretting it right when I leave it. I walk out of the room down the white long hallway, it feels so familiar,then it comes back to me this was my Halloween costume when i was six and this was the castle I always dreamed about living in. But why am I back here? I say in my head. " Hello madame" an older sir says to me, I stare back in confusion oh I remember I wanted to have an old British butler when I was younger to do everything for me. I follow him towards the grand dining room I designed to see a whole table full of pancakes! " Wait a minute this can't be real I was at the mall just a second ago how am I here."

I run towards the front door, oh god it's so hard to run in the 6-inch heels in wearing, like why did I ever dream about this? I throw my shoes off, now barefoot running along the flower garden. I trip over my own dress feeling the same pain as when the broom hit me and then I'm out like a light. I hear whispers "Good you were able to see that, that wasn't real and now you will pass on to the next test, but remember it only gets harder from here, and at the end, someone will be waiting for you. But you are a lucky one, You are able to time travel."

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