Chap: 16

22 13 0

~ It's just a prank ~

Aaron, it's been a morning and another night, Scarlett isn't back" my mum walked back and forth in worry "the police are doing their best to find her mum" I sighed "not good enough" she walked into the kitchen in frustration, since Scarlett went missing mum went berserk, El stayed with us but hardly says a word, Claire is ignoring me I'm just here trying to be, you know, a doctor, saving people's lives, while my life gets even more chaotic "they'll find her mum, please I need to look at my patients files can you calm down please" I begged twice hoping she understands the great deal of pressure is on me right now.

I text Claire again and sighed, I left her two voicemails, three calls and two other messages, no reply what's so ever it was eating me alive I just wanted to honestly scream at her or something "Aaron" I heard El come to where I was sitting "I think you need to see this" she held my iPad up, I just looked at her in confusion, replaying the video back from the beginning, I watched "kidnapping" I asked my self out loud in confusion, then I hear the reporter that said the news Scarlett's name "what" this confused me "they found her" I stared at El in confusion "when" she pointed back at the iPad, the reporter said, she was found today, but she's been held by a group of rebel gang that are demanding ransom money worth of two million, my jaw dropped "mum" I yelled my mum's name, she came so quickly I didn't notice she was already in front of me "Scarlett is kidnapped" my mum fainted right in front of us "mum, mum" I screamed moving to her "mum, love of God stop being dramatic it's not helping the situation" I tapped my hand on her cheek but she wasn't responding, I got my mobile out "El stay inside at all times I'm taking her to the hospital, don't open the door to anyone if it's the house keeper they have the key" I quickly picked up my mum and ran to my car that was in the garage, safely buckling her in the passengers seat then took off.

El's pov

Would Scarlett just up and leave like that? I asked myself so many times that I just gave up knowing the answer.

Stacey was kind enough to let me stay here she didn't want me alone in the hotel, I understand why, I sighed sitting slowly on the already made bed, it was so clean and the lavender scent that came from the fabric was just so beautiful, it was just a comfy and soothing to lay on a bed and smell the fabric, I would do it all day, my eyes were beginning to close until Stacey came in and told me dinner was ready, I smiled supporting my weight with my crutches and followed her, she sat face to face while Aaron was sitting at the end of the table next to us "this is so good mum" I just smiled putting food into my plate while Aaron devoured into the meat, I must say, he likes his gravy, I do too but his a number one fan I can tell.

"Desert" Stacey asked excited, making Aaron groan "I just stuffed myself with so much food mum" Stacey laughed and winked "you'll make space I know you will" she tapped his back playfully smiling and winking at me that made Aaron blush, he winked at me "evil woman" I just giggled placing the food in my mouth hoping not to choke "I heard that" we both laughed and Aaron sighed "need to get some work done" he got up bringing some papers with him and an iPad he sat beside me and smiled "what" he handed me his iPad "why" I took it from his hand as he sighed "I'm not an iPad kinda guy, I wanted to give it to someone I didn't know who, I thought maybe you'd take care of it well, so it yours" I just looked at him, did I just hear him right, did he give me a free gift? no one has ever given me a free gift "this, all for me?" I held the iPad stunned "wait there is this" he gave huge silver headphones, oh my God they hardly look used, they look so new, and definitely not cheap "why for me Aaron I mean doctor" he chuckled Aaron is fine when we're not in hospital, well just because I want to I guess. He handed it to take, I accepted and took it "this is too much" he shushed me with his finger "it's yours now" I smiled and hugged him "thank you" I looked at the beautiful technology in front of me "go use it it's yours now" he winked and started on his work I nodded putting it under my arm and made my way to my room.

Happily I opened the iPad, I started to look at all the amazing apps and I was so happy, wow, so cool, I played a few games for an hour, then just browsing I clicked on the weather app, it's going to be good till Saturday, browsing here and there I finally clicked on the news app, I clicked on the latest news and waited for the news to load, the video started, it was about a missing man yesterday in the afternoon, the same time Scarlett comes and takes me home, another video played, it was about missing persons taken hostage, I got interested in the head line, I watched more and more videos then suddenly my heart skipped a beat, I sow Scarlett's picture on the news, what, no, go back, I talked to my iPad, I pressed a button then it went back to the video, I just watched the video silently by my self, Stacey and Aaron need to see this, I stood up supporting myself making my way to the kitchen where Stacey was cleaning and Aaron sitting in the dinning room doing he's work on dining table, I made my way slowly to him, what should I say or do I thought, I don't think he realised I was there, I tried to get his attention "Aaron" he looked at me through his dark rimmed black prescription glasses "I think you need to see this" I handed him the iPad he just looked at me in confusion, taking it from my hand he replayed the video, I stayed there, I just had no words to say at all "mum" Aaron yelled his mother dashed quickly from the kitchen "Scarlett's been kidnapped" Aaron spoke seriously, she fell on the ground and fainted, oh my God, Aaron screamed and rushed towards her, he slapped her cheeks lightly but she didn't wake, I just stood there in shock, my body felt paralyzed, because everything was just getting worse and worse by the minute "El stay inside at all times I'm taking her to the hospital, don't open the door to anyone if it's the house keeper they have the key" I nodded as he left I just hope she will be okay I kept calm breathing in and out. What's more worrying me is Scarlett, how did she get involved in all this? Just how?

Stacey's pov

All I did was worry, while no one else did. I started putting the food down on the table, my son just made it like nothing happened, here I'm worried sick for Scarlett, I didn't bother going off at him he'd tell me calm down mum everything's alright mum, when it wasn't.

I went to call El to join us, opening the room slightly I sow her lay on the bed with closed eyes, hope she's not sleepy, I called her name she quickly pulled her self up and looked at me, did want her to get up suddenly if she wanted to sleep, just didn't want her to go hungry, she walked out I opened the door more so she wouldn't fall, she sat down opposite side facing me, Aaron was so busy with his food today, I sighed internally and winked at El she smiled back at me then we just ate, not communication happening, if you were me you'd not want to be me. "Desert" I said excited when I finished from my dinner my son groaned from how much he'd had ate I winked at El "I just stuffed myself with so much food mum" I tapped his back "you'll make space I know you will" I smiled to myself, he gets so embarrassed when I tease him, oh dear, I laughed to myself "evil woman" I heard him say lowly I shook my head as I started to plate up "I heard that" I yelled then walked back to the kitchen hearing them break in laughter.

I cleared the table and I got back to put the dishes into the dishwasher, one by one I put the dishes in then in went detergent as I closed it putting it on eco wash. I got the desert ready in about thirty minutes the truffles will be ready to eat.

"Mum" I heard Aaron scream my name, I ran as quickly as I could, my heart pounding when I stopped in front of him, please God I hope it was about Scarlett I hope she is in good hands I prayed internally "Scarlett's been kidnapped" he told me, I put my hand on my heart, my knees felt weak I collapsed, fell to the ground, the last thing I remember was hearing my son's voice telling El he'd take me to the hospital.

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