Do you think that.......bubbles likes me? He asked

Damn were getting soft so bad

Um I dont know said brick.

No I said causing everyone to look at me.

She loves you bro.I finished.



Thanks bros.he said giving everyone a fist bump.

And tbh I think bc likes you brick I said with a smirk.

Shut up said a blushing brick

Ohhhhh I see, little bricky-poo has a crush on the toughest fighter of the PPGZ said butch.

Yeah so what if I do, its not like she likes me anyway so it dont matter.said brick

Man are you blind I asked she does like you, shes just really good at hiding it.

Yeah man we all can tell.added butch

Really, I doubt that

Dude she blushes when she is around you, you really cant see that.I asked.

Nope he replied.

Then we hear a door open and saw blossom bubbles berserk and brate with the Rowdy Rude boys.

What the fuck.asked brick

What are they doing here. Asked butch

Guys the real question is how did they fined us.I asked

Damn to many surprises. I thought.

Butchs P.O.V

What are you doing here I asked as I got up.

And what are THEY doing here asked brick.did I mention that he is fuming. Brick hates the PPNKGZ AND THE RRDBZ so bad its not even funny.We used to date the PPNKGZ .

Were trying to fined bc and brute is that ok cry baby? Asked blossom

Im the crybaby?! Wer'nt you the one who was crying your eyes out like a little bitch this mourning! Yelled brick

I tryed to hold in a laugh but it hurt so bad that I was holding my mouth and my stomach.

Bubbles ran over to me and had her hand on my back.

BUTCH are you ok?! She asked

Yeah im ok.I she really does care about me.

Ok are you sure?

Yeah im sure.

I got up and she walked back to blossoms side.

Why are you looking for them? Asked boom
Because we haven't seen them at all.Can you help please. Asked brat

Did she just say please? I asked

Yep said brick and yeah we will help.

Thank you said berserk

Holy shit the worlds gonna end!! I screamed causing my bros to laugh.

What the fuck are you laughing at?!yelled Rage (berserks boyfriend)

Im laughing at my joke is that ok with you? I asked with a smirk.

Alright thats enough lets go fined them! Said blossom.

Oh shut up blossom its not like you really care about them said boomer

I didnt care I laughed my ass off with brick.

Damn called out by boomer the nicest ruff wow! Laughed brick

Hahahahaha im di-eing hahaha.I said

Ok ok im done lets go.I said.

We ruffs flew out leaving everyone.

Blossoms P.O.V

I can't believe he said that to me bubbs.I said in shock

Well you did really hurt boomer so you cant blame him.

To hell I can't! I shouted

Bubbles P.O.V

Boomer just shouted that to blossom.Im just shocked as much as bloss.

Me bloss and the others were trying to fined them put we couldn't. I looked at the soccer field, arcade, everwhere she loves to go...wait a minute! I had an idea.

I flew to bricks side.

Hey brick I asked

Yeah bubbles he said looking at me

Were did you fined buttercup yesterday if you dont mind me asking?

I found her at the metrovill waterfall why you ask ?

Because I think I might have found her.Follow me.I said as they all followed me.with butch and boomer on my left.Brick on my right and the others behind we left to the waterfall.

Hey guys please read this...this chapter was originally published with chapter ten but somehow it didnt publish the rest so. I made it another chapter. So basically this and chapter ten was together but then it got cut off.If you guys noice there isnt a note at the bottom let me know.Hope you guys like the rest and the picture! bye♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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