24 hours

694 23 2

Jane's POV
I could feel the light coming through the window, piercing through my skull. I opened my eyes and everything was white. After a minute or two I could see the outline of Teresa under the covers. I scooped her up in my arms and she put her head on my chest. I kissed her head and she started to stir and woke up. Her eyes opened and I could see her beautiful emerald eyes. They shined in the sunlight.
"Hey Sunshine, sleep well" I said as I kissed her all over her face. She started to giggle so I tickled her tummy and laughed even harder until she started to struggle to breathe. When I stopped she started to heave and had to run to the bathroom. I ran in afterwards and helped her while she was sick in the toilet.
After she was finished, I left her to have a shower and clean up while I made breakfast for us.

After breakfast, we arrived back at work and still had no case. We walked hand in hand to the bullpen, Grace and Cho were betting on the football game and Rigsby was on his computer.
"Hey guys".
"Hey" they all said as they switched off the TV and computer.
I sat down on my couch and Teresa went for a meeting in place of Hightower since she is away.
Grace scooted her chair towards me so she was sitting in front of my couch.
"Jane, do you think there is something wrong with Lisbon because she has not been acting herself and has been having to run to the bathroom a lot" Grace said with concern.
"She is fine. She would of told me if there was something wrong" Jane said trying not to ruin the test.
Gracr just went back to her desk and they all played a game of poker, but of course Jane used his tricks so he would win.

2 hours later
Lisbon's POV

The meeting has just finished so I am just walking back to the bullpen. When I get close I can see everyone at their desks. Even Jane. Thats unusual. To be honest though he is sticking things onto paper and he always said that crafts calms him down. The others must of asked questions.

I quietly walk up behind Jane's desk and grab him from behind. After sticking a picture of a rabbit onto the paper he leans back and looks up at me.
"Hey babe, your back".
"I am" I say as I lean down closer to his ear.
"Did they ask you questions about me?" I whisper to him.
"Yes they did but I managed to not give anything away" He whispers back.
I stand up straight again, not letting go of his shoulders and Jane keeps doing his crafts. The rest of the team turn round in their chairs at the same time so they are facing me.
"Are you ok boss?" Grace asks as Rigsby and Cho look carefully at my reaction.
"I am fine thanks" I says as I look down at Jane, who is still sticking random things onto a piece of paper.

"Good good. Here is a coffee" She says as she gives me a cup of coffee.
"Thanks Van pelt" I say as I give Jane a look which says 'We are in trouble'.
He responded with a simple nod, to show me he understood.
"Thanks Grace, I have got a lot of paperwork to do so I am going to be in my office if anyone needs me" I say as I walk out of the bullpen and towards my office and on the way I tip out the coffee.

Grace's POV

I scoot my chair towards Rigsby's desk and Cho does the same.
"Something is definitely going on with those two" I say as I lean towards the boys so that Jane can't hear us.
"Yes definitely. Boss doesn't normally act like this and neither does Jane" says Cho.
"Yeah but what it it that's going on" says Rigsby.
Then I have an Idea.
"Guys I think I know what they are keeping from us".
"What" They both almost shout causing Jane to look up at us but look straight back down at his crafts.
"Lisbon's pregnant. It explains why she is not drinking coffee and why she is running to the bathroom a lot".
"Yeah as well yesterday I saw Jane put his hand on Lisbon's stomach too but they don't know I saw" says Rigsby.
"Ok but we need to have a bit more proof before we can say for definite that she is pregnant so lets look out for other signs".
"Like what?" Cho and Rigsby say.
"Like, umm...let me see. There are mood swings and soon she will get a bump and Jane will be more protective then normal".
"Ok we will keep our eyes open" Cho and Rigsby say as Cho and Grace go back to their desks.

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