The Plan

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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
"Jane can you please turn that off" I moan as I lay my head down and put my pillow on top of my head so that I can't hear the alarm.
Jane gets up and switches off the alarm on his phone.
He leans over towards me and pulls the pillow off my head and kisses my cheek.
"Teresa, it's time to get ready for our first back at work," Jane says as he gets up off the bed and walks towards the closet to pick up some clothes.
"Why do we have to go back to work! I was having fun being with you and doing whatever we wanted" I moaned.
Jane just leaned down towards me and kissed my forehead and grabbed my arm and pulled me up.
"We have to get back into the real world someday Teresa".
"Fine," I said as I got up and slowly made my way downstairs towards the kitchen.
I picked up some bread and put on some toast. When it was finished, I put on some jam and sat down to at the table to eat it before getting dressed.
Just as I was about to take my last bite, I could hear very loud and fast footsteps going down the stairs and towards the kitchen.
"Teresa I have the best Idea ever!" he said as he entered the kitchen.
"What is it?"
"Well, you know how you didn't want to tell everyone about the baby. Well, I had a great idea on how to solve that. We can not tell them and instead make them guess and find out for themselves".
"That's a great idea Jane but wouldn't they be upset that we didn't tell them".
"No, because we will tell them it's a test to see how good their detective stills are and we can also time them too".
"Ok let's do it". I said with excitement as I ate the last bit of toast and put the plate in the sink. I gave Jane a kiss and then went upstairs to get dressed, ready for our first day back and the first day of being married at work.
This is going to be good.
Cho, Grace and Rigsby, you better have your thinking caps on because we are about to go overboard.

Hey guys,
thx for reading this because it means a lot. Please comment if you think I should make any changes.
Thx again guys
Bye XxX

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