Chapter 2: The Ice Cream Con

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Nick and Finnick, along with Sarah were heading to the ice cream store to buy a jumbo pop. "Hey kid look out!" Nick had to quickly pull Sarah out of the way of an oncoming truck, the driver wasn't very polite. "Watch it kid!" Nick glared at the driver and gently took Sarah by the hand and pulled her away from the angry truck driver. Nick, Finnick, and Sarah slipped inside Jumbeaux's Cafe, unaware that they were being followed.
Judy's POV:
I put a ticket on my traffic cart when I heard a car horn beep. "Watch it kid!" The angry sheep shouted, I saw a red fox and a little blonde haired human girl... It was Sarah! 'I've been looking for her everywhere! And what is she doing with a fox?!?! Foxes are dangerous! I better bring her back to the apartment.' I quietly followed the fox and Sarah making sure they didn't see me. 'Who knows what that fox could be up to.' I see him and Sarah slip into Jumbeaux's Cafe, I follow them inside and I hear Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. yelling at the fox. "Listen, I don't know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours, but I don't want any trouble here. So hit the road!" I unsnapped my pink can of fox repellent and walked closer. "I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir. I simply want to buy a Jumbo-pop and a strawberry ice cream cone," the fox said innocently reaching behind him, "for my little boy and his friend." I noticed a toddler clinging to the fox's leg and immediately felt guilty. "I'm such a..." I turned to leave when I heard Jerry say. "Listen, buddy. There aren't any fox ice cream joints in your part of town?" "There are. It's just, my little boy, this goofy little stinker - he loves all things elephant. Wants to be one when he grows up. Who the heck am I to crush the little guy's dreams?" I was so touched by what the fox was doing for his little boy. "Look, you probably can't read, fox but the sign says 'WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO ANYONE.' So beat it." Jerry said pointing at the sign. "You're holding up the line." An annoyed female elephant that was waiting behind the three of them said. The toddler started to cry and Sarah whimpered. I was very upset that they were treating the foxes and Sarah like this. I decided to take control of the situation. "Hello? Excuse me?" Jerry sneered at me. "You're gonna have to wait you're turn like everyone else, meter maid." "Actually... I'm an officer." I corrected him, flashing my badge. "Are you're customers aware that they're getting snot and mucous with their cookies and cream?" Sarah scrunches up her nose in disgust and squeals. "Ew! Yucky!" Jerry looked annoyed, "What are you talking about?" "Well, I don't want to cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health-code violation. Which is kind of a big deal. Of course, I could let you off with a warning if you were to glove those trunks and-I don't know-finish selling this little girl her strawberry ice cream, also this nice dad and his son a..." I looked up at the fox. "What was it?" "A Jumbo-pop." The fox said. I turned to Jerry. "A Jumbo-pop." Jerry stared at us for a moment than sighed, "Nineteen dollars." The fox turned to me. "Thank you so much. Thank you." I smiled at the fox and nodded. The fox searched his pockets, before stopping in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I don't have my wallet." The fox bent down to the toddler's level. "I'm sorry, pal, worst birthday ever." The fox gave the toddler a kiss on the forehead then turned to me. "Thanks anyway." The fox, his son, and Sarah started to leave. I took a twenty dollar bill out of my wallet and slapped it onto the counter. "Keep the change." I said to Jerry. END JUDY'S POV.
Sarah who was licking her strawberry ice cream, and Nick who was carrying the Jumbo-pop turned to Judy who was holding Finnick's hand. "Officer, I can't thank you enough. So kind, really. Can I pay you back?" Judy shook her head. "Oh no, my treat. It just-you know, it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes toward foxes," said Judy. "Well, I just wanna say, you're a great dad and just a... A real articulate fellow." Nick smiled. "Ah, well, that is high praise. It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing... Officer..." "Hopps. Mr...." Nick extended his hand to shake Judy's hand. "Wilde. Nick Wilde." Judy bent down to Finnick's level. "And you little guy, you want to be an elephant when you grow up... You be an elephant-because this is Zootopia anyone can be anything." Judy took out a ZPD sticker badge and placed it on Finnick's chest. Nick handed Finnick the Jumbo-pop, "All right, here you go. Two paws. Aw, look at that smile, that's a happy birthday smile! Give her a little bye bye toot-toot." Finnick tooted his trunk twice. "Toot-toot!" Sarah giggled and waved goodbye to Judy. "Bye bye Judy!" "Bye Sarah! Be good!" "Otay!" Judy smiled warmly and walked away with a happy look on her face. 'I finally got to help someone in need. And it feels great!'

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