Master Plan

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(Mikito POV)

Sitting on the other side of the room with Naomi, I watched Donnie and Mikey training. Mikey was stretching out and Donnie was just waiting paitently, which was growing dimmer by the second... Finally, Donnie cried out and lunged at Mikey, trying to flip Mikey over his shell. As a comeback, Mikey backflipped over Donnie's shell, laughing happily.

Donnie turned around to look at Mikey as I started to laugh. Naomi just whacked me upside the head like she always did... Why...? But Donnie snapped at Mikey, "Mikey, you don't do a backflip when I try sugonagi on you! Unless of course I counter with a back kick--"

"Hey," Mikey interupted just as Naomi was going to as well. "Bro, you can't take the flip out of..." Mikey did another backflip which I smiled at. "Dr. Flippingstein!"

"Oh geez..." Naomi grumbled, getting up as Splinter walked in. She looked at the large rat before nodding and going in the main room. I came over by Mikey as Donnie came up to Splinter for some advise about the move.

"You must have an answer for everything," Donnie tried. This is what just started hearing because Mikey had stopped laughing lowly. I started to tune in to Splinter and Donnie's conversation.

"You mustn't think while in battle, Donnatello," Splinter said, still walking. "You must live in the moment that is happening, or you wouldn't know what's happening."

"How can you fight without thinking?" Donine asked.

Splinter paused and Mikey and I watched carefully. The boys' Sensei turned arounf to Donnie and said, "For example. Prepare to defend against--" I didn't catch the last word before Splinter started attacking Donnie.

I knew it wasn't what he said, because Donnie complained when he was on the ground. Splinter chuckled and said, "No. But you thought it would be. Now, do you want to defend against a spinning back kick?"

"No thanks..." Donnie groaned, getting up. "I'm good."

I laughed as Splinter left. Mikey came up to Donnie and said, "You know would've worked there? A backflip!"

Sighing, Donnie got up and walked into the main room, Mikey and I following.

"The backflip would've worked," I nodded. "I thought he'd be brighter than that."

"It's Donnie," Naomi said when we walked out. It made us jump because she was right at the entrance, leaning against the wall. "He may be bright when it comes to things like technology, but other things like thinking while fighting and April are two entirly different stories..."

"You bring April into this?" I asked.

"Yes." Naomi nodded, walking away silently.

"Alright..." Mikey muttered. "Let's go see where Donnie went anyway."

"Okay, okay," I smiled following Mikey and everyone else in Donnie's lab. He was bent down over something, marking it with a ruler and pen.

We watched for a second, Donnie marking up the board with lines from every which angle. It confused me, and Naomi just shook her head and rolled her eyes, "Looks like something I would do just to make Mikito or Mikey confused..."

Donnie stiffened, just now realizing that we were there. He paused another second before continuing.

"What'cha doing, Donnie?" Leo asked.

"Finishing my Master Plan," Donnie grinned.

"Master Plan?" Raph repeated.

"To get April to hang out with me," Donnie explained.

"Good grief..." Naomi muttered. "The future's different, Donnie... Sorry..."

Looking at Naomi annoyed, Donnie just continued with his Master Plan. He got up and took the board with him and rolled it on the floor.

"Why don't you just try, 'April, will you hang out with me?'" Leo tried.

"It's not the simple," Donnie shook his head then pointed to the flow chart. It made my mind spin, thinking about how advanced he could actually follow through with the plan. "For example, if she said she can't because she has homework, then I'll advise a plan to help her with some brain-stimulating snacks."

"What if she says she can't because you're a complete and total dork?" Raph snapped, crossing his arms.

"Then I would change the subject and tell her of my non-nerdy skills such as skateboarding." Donnie answered immediately.

"What if she just came in and saw this, asking what it was?" Naomi asked.

We all stared at her. She had actually asked a question. Her blue eyes looked at each of us before snapping, "What? She's running in now."

Sure enough, I heard a, "Guys! Guys! You gotta check this out!"

Donnie cried out and flipped the board repeatedly before pausing on Leo's Space Heroes poster board. I looked at funny. He put his master plan on the back of Leo's poster and he's not yet dead? Shocked.

"Don't be..." Naomi growled, going over to April who had the laptop out and playing something from the news.

We watched and listened to this Dr. Falco who was Dr. Rockwell's assisstant before Rockwell somehow disappeared. April closed the laptop and looked at each of us.

"So?" I asked bravely.

"So?" April repeated. "If the Kraang are stealing scientists from all over the city, then they probably stole this Rockwell guy."

"You don't that," Naomi said softly, crossing her arms.

April glared at her softly. "We should go over and see what really happened."

"That's a great idea, April!" Donnie nodded, getting up. He turned to us, "Oh, you guys are busy? Well, I guess it's just you and me, then, April." he lead her out, turning to us and winked.

I watched him leave before turning the board over, looking around it to see if it was on the chart. The lines made me confused so I stopped, Leo taking my place. "Bet that wasn't on his flow chart."

"It is..." Naomi said, pointing to the bottom right.

"Whoa... it is!" Leo exclaimed, looking at the door before back at the chart. "That is spooky..."

"And yet you don't say that when I do something like that..." Naomi sighed, leaving the lab.

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