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This story is in loving memory of the man with the world's best hugs, most encouraging words, and greatest wisdom: My dad. 

He had the opportunity to read my prologue and couldn't stop boasting about it. His exact words were "I felt like I was in Middle Earth!" Lol. Three months ago he'd been begging me for more chapters to read. I told him that he'd be the first to read them after they were edited, but he never got that chance.

I had planned to post this story much sooner, but after he passed I changed my mind. This story is for him and I refuse to give anything less than my very best. 

I'm not doing this to make my dad proud, because I could literally write a story about the bad boy with a  good heart falling in love with the school nerd and my dad would be proud. Haha! No, my goal is to write a story that my dad would have fallen in love with - A story that would have swallowed him up inside of a completely foreign and exciting world. I hope I've succeeded.

The journey begins now. I wish with my whole heart that my dad could join me, but I'm glad that I have all of my amazing readers here to keep me encouraged. :D

Dad, I'll love and miss you forever. 

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